Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
August 11, 2004
Honey flash! Updates! And aminals on the way!
Category: SC Updates

So I've been watching more of Cutey Honey, which I've discovered is actually the New Cutey Honey. It says it right on there, but I apparently wasn't looking very closely and wouldn't have noticed if there hadn't been a few flashbacks containing stuff I haven't seen. But as I was watching, I was thinking, "Man, this animation is incredible for a 1970s cartoon!" Now it makes a little more sense, but still, those flashbacks are pretty well animated too. Or maybe they updated the flashbacks? I dunno. Either way, I'm interested in checking out the original Cutey Honey episodes (not sure where I'd get any, but I'll look into it), since I'm enjoying this new series so far. It's fun action with a bit o' chesecake. I like cheesecake. Three episodes in, I highly recommend it.

In addition to Friday's article (fingers crossed) and subsequent updates, expect a few more layout changes to Scary-Crayon in the coming weeks. Just surface stuff; nothing major. For instance, I plan to keep more/less the same background look with the vertical stripes, but have it accomplished with actual scanned crayon lines. 'Cause the site's called Scary-Crayon and all. And there will probably be a few other minor changes, like the one I've just employed on the blog. If you can even tell what I did, be sure to leave a comment and tell me how you feel about it. It so small that I doubt most of you will notice. 🙂

And yesterday I attended the Howard County Fair with my mom, so expect a full review of that one in the coming weeks -- not for Friday, 'cause that's the special horror movie review. (I've decided on the film, so now all that's left is the watching, screencapping, and summary/review process. Which is of course the most time consuming and taxing part of the job. :P) But yeah, the fair was pretty neat. Lots of aminals and gorgeous farm girls. I only took pictures of the former, but seriously -- there must be something about farm work that makes women beautiful, because even the 50-year-old and 300 lb. farm matrons came across as kinda attractive and you could tell they were really hot stuff 20-30 years ago. And even with the little kids, you could tell that they were going to grow up to be real heartbreakers. It was weird. And everyone was really friendly, too, even with creepy me crouching down to snap pictures of fresh cowpies and shorn sheep testicles. Suffice it to say that I'm thinking that whenever I get this article up, you shouldn't read it during your lunch break. Unless you're into coprophagy and/or enjoy Rocky Mountain Oysters, that is.

Another thing I found odd: Given the way that the majority of the game booth workers were talking to us -- you know, when they call out to you in an attempt to get you to play their games -- it seemed like most of them were under the impression that my mother was not, in fact, my mother. It seems pretty obvious to everyone else everywhere we go, but here these guys were urging me to try to win prizes "for the little lady" and stuff like that. And I was tempted to play a few -- not to win her crap, but to win me stuff -- 'cause some of those games looked really easy. But then, that's how they getcha. So I didn't play. 😛

Alrighty, that's all for now. Ja ne!

-posted by Wes | 3:00 am | Comments (0)
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