Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
August 12, 2004
Brief notes before bed.
Category: Miscellany

I'm still awake. From yesterday. Soon I will sleep.

But first:

Friday's horrific Scary-Crayon film review is coming along nicely. I've still got nearly 300 screencaps to wade through (ugh), but in the process of taking all those shots I penned about half of the summary, so that's good. Also, the new background is ready. It'll go up tomorrow as well. Hurrah!

This has been a pretty slow week for e-mails. And hey, people I owe e-mails, I haven't forgotten about you. Just so you know. Ok?

Lots of luck and encouraging words for Mickey at her new job! 🙂

And I really need to get the hell out of this country. I've been looking at the current political situation, and the more I think about it the more it seems like the issues that I feel strongly -- and that are being hotly disputed -- are pretty much non-issues in other "civilized" countries because they've progressed past whatever mental blocks keep Americans stuck in the Dark Ages (regarding certain matters). For example, the death penalty. I disagree with it. Most "civilized" countries have abolished it. Not the good U.S. of A., though! Then there's the same-sex marriage thing. With terrorists supposedly plotting dastardly deeds at all hours of the day, the government should have more important matters to discuss than Constitutional amendments proposing to deny two people in love the right to marry simply because they were born with the same "kind" of sexual organs. Granted, I'm not too up on where the "civilized" European nations stand on this issue, but I do know that same-sex couples are going to Canada in order to enjoy the privileges that they deserve. Bravo. And then there are other issues that I'll not get into at the moment, but suffice it to say that my correspondents in the U.K. seem genuinely shocked when I talk about some of the stuff we've got over here.

Besides, Kerry strikes me as incredibly phony and Bush is quite obviously a buffoon. I'd just as soon not vote for either of them.

And now, I sleep.

-posted by Wes | 7:19 am | Comments (0)
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