Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
August 17, 2004
New article...
Category: SC Updates

...later today. I'm going to count it as Wednesday's update, but I promise it'll be up hours before the clock strikes twelve. Well, minutes. Sometime before. I can say this because I've almost got it finished right now. Any other night I'd just stay up the extra hour and get it done, but I'm due at work at 9 AM so I figure I'd better try to get five or so hours of sleep so I'm not totally dead. Anyway, start looking forward to that next one -- it's a shorter and less "out there" piece, so I think even casual fans will enjoy it. And if you haven't read last time's Campfire Stories review, you know where to click.

I almost cried again tonight. I really hope I'm not on the verge of a nervous breakdown or something. Wouldn't surprise me. Starting to hate one of my coworkers too. I really fucking hate that job.


-posted by Wes | 2:41 am | Comments (0)
August 16, 2004
Hey, Lacuna Inc.? Pencil me in for 6:30.
Category: Miscellany

Okay. Last time I blogged about how much fun I had at my five year high school reunion. I hadn't initially planned on going, but after having attended I was really glad I did.

Tonight, I kinda wish I hadn't. I closed at the bookstore tonight. It was awful -- it's always awful. And it wasn't much more awful than it usually is (there was one thing that really made me angry; I'll touch on some other time), but having actually had fun the night before somehow made it that much worse. I was seriously on the verge of tears when I got off -- it was that fucking bad. But I didn't cry, because I never cry. I don't think I'm capable of it. Fuck if I didn't come close, though. (more...)

-posted by Wes | 2:39 am | Comments (0)
August 15, 2004
YAY reunion!!!
Category: Photo … Travels

Well, I was definitely surprised at how much I enjoyed myself at that reunion. I pretty much expected to be sitting on a stool with my back to the bar, watching all of the people who actually knew and remembered each other mingling and having a good time while I drank away my sorrows and hummed Billy Joel's "Pianoman" to myself, but to my surprise people not only recognized and remembered me but actually seemed glad to catch up with me (and in direct violation of the "I hate everyone" rule, the reverse was true as well). So yeah, it was great. In the coming days I'll probably post a few more pics from the event (or not; we'll see), but in the meantime here are a couple... (more...)

-posted by Wes | 4:19 am | Comments (0)
August 14, 2004
High school reunion! Meh. And Nikki Cage.
Category: Miscellany

So. Friday the 13th feast o' fright has come and gone, but if you haven't checked out that special Scary-Crayon update (or if you want to read those pieces again; they'll be there as long as the site is), you can still enjoy our spooky leftovers. And do leave comments on the previous entry! Or send an e-mail. But gimme feedback! (more...)

-posted by Wes | 4:48 am | Comments (0)
August 13, 2004
Scary-Crayon Updated!
Category: SC Updates

Yes, it did! In addition to a new background, we've got two new dishes for you to try in today's FRIDAY THE 13TH fright feast. Yum! For an appetizer, there's A Crayon Haiku: FRIDAY the 13th Edition. And then there's the main course -- a full and lengthy review of Campfire Stories! I literally stayed up allllll night long working on these things, so I hope you enjoy them. And do leave comments! I like comments.

It's funny that I used a food analogy for an update that has no food articles at all! Actually, no it's not. Not really. But I'm so tired that it's funny to me. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

I'm thinking if I try to get a nap in there's no way I'll be able to wake up for work at 5, so I'll probably just end up watching more Cutey Honey and trying not to pass out. Anyway, ja.

-posted by Wes | 11:09 am | Comments (0)