Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
August 13, 2004
Scary-Crayon Updated!
Category: SC Updates

Yes, it did! In addition to a new background, we've got two new dishes for you to try in today's FRIDAY THE 13TH fright feast. Yum! For an appetizer, there's A Crayon Haiku: FRIDAY the 13th Edition. And then there's the main course -- a full and lengthy review of Campfire Stories! I literally stayed up allllll night long working on these things, so I hope you enjoy them. And do leave comments! I like comments.

It's funny that I used a food analogy for an update that has no food articles at all! Actually, no it's not. Not really. But I'm so tired that it's funny to me. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

I'm thinking if I try to get a nap in there's no way I'll be able to wake up for work at 5, so I'll probably just end up watching more Cutey Honey and trying not to pass out. Anyway, ja.

-posted by Wes | 11:09 am | Comments (0)
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