Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
August 14, 2004
High school reunion! Meh. And Nikki Cage.
Category: Miscellany

So. Friday the 13th feast o' fright has come and gone, but if you haven't checked out that special Scary-Crayon update (or if you want to read those pieces again; they'll be there as long as the site is), you can still enjoy our spooky leftovers. And do leave comments on the previous entry! Or send an e-mail. But gimme feedback!

In other news, today is my five year high school reunion! Will I go? Probably, assuming I catch the right bus and find the place okay. But then I hear the weather's supposed to be awful -- the remnants of the hurricane are apparently headed our way -- so I may just sit it out. But I would like to get there, if for no other reason than to see how kind the years have been to some of the girls I used to ogle back in my high school days. (Sadly, the hottest ones weren't actually in the class of '99, having graduated in either '98 or '00, and thus won't be there. 'Cept Pam, 'cause she's special.) I was pretty much the trench coat wearing kid who was creepy enough to keep the popular/normal kids away but not quite creepy enough to join the freakshow squad, so I didn't talk to too many people during high school. Also, I didn't attend the local neighborhood high school -- my sister and I were bused to a school about 16 miles from here as participants in the Science and Tech program -- so I wasn't really "close" to even the kids with whom I did chat because they lived so far away. I did have one "friend" in the area, but in the 10th grade he decided that I wasn't cool enough or Korean enough to hang out with him anymore, so that was that. Wonder if he'll be at the reunion. Ah, good times.

Hey, speaking of hot girls, tonight I did the browse hotornot time-wasting thing and happened upon my dreamgirl. I say that jokingly, but in all seriousness she seems like someone I'd find rather interesting. I've codenamed her "Nikki Cage", for obvious reasons. 😉

And I'm sure we'll be back to tales about the bookstore soon enough. For now, ja.

-posted by Wes | 4:48 am | Comments (0)
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