Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
March 3, 2009
It's gonna burn us all*
Category: Linkage … SC Updates … Toys … TV, Film, & DVDs

Am I the only one who finds this kinda creepy? Microsoft: proudly paving the way towards Judgment Day! By the way, I was thinking about Skynet, and an idea occurred to me. If you wanted to ensure that the early stages of your plan to exterminate the human race proceeded without a hitch, wouldn't it make sense to send robots back in time to introduce the plan as fiction? That way, when a Sarah Connor discovered what you were up to and tried to warn people, they'd be even more inclined to regard you as crazy! Oh, Skynet, you are clever.

In tangential news -- because the show airs right after "Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles" on Friday nights -- I've posted my reflections on "Dollhouse" on Scary-Crayon. Right after I uploaded that article, the site (as well as Wesoteric) died for several hours. Apparently speaking ill of a Joss Whedon creation makes the Internet angry. It then takes revenge.

Finally, a word of caution to all you action figure collectors: never, ever buy a loose toy on eBay unless the seller notes that it came from a smoke-free home. (That might not have mattered in this case, since the seller insists that no one in her house smokes, but still.) I got a figure on eBay last week that stinks to high hell, and not in the good way like Stinkor. It's not even like regular cigarette smoke -- it smells more like filthy pipes and burning trash and diseased lungs. I can't bring it within a foot of my face without gagging.

Nothing seems to be working to get rid of that smell, either! I tried scrubbing the toy with soap and water; fail. I left it in an airtight baggie with a few spoonfuls of baking soda for a few days, but that only left me with a stinky toy and a bag of stinky baking soda. Which kinda sucks, because I would've just eaten that baking soda if I'd known it wasn't going to work! Baking soda is delicious. Now I have the thing completely immersed in an airtight baggie filled with kitty litter. I hope it works! If it doesn't, though, stinky kitty litter won't be quite as depressing as stinky baking soda. I don't eat kitty litter.

All for now, then. Don't eat foul-smelling baking soda! Ja.

*Post title taken from this song. It is great.

-posted by Wes | 10:24 pm | Comments (0)
March 2, 2009
The Teenager Audio Test!
Category: Meme

I passed the Teenager Audio Test!
Created by Train Horns

Another meme, courtesy of one of my LiveJournal contacts. That sound would certainly keep me out of shopping malls!

-posted by Wes | 4:36 pm | Comments (5)
March 1, 2009
Wes needs blah blah blah
Category: Dreams … Meme

So, with this current bout of illness, my hours are really screwy again -- I feel pretty crappy during the day but more/less okay at night, so I've been sleeping during the daylight hours and waking up after the sun sets. It's like I draw energy from the darkness or something -- the sun is up now and I feel like I'm ready to collapse from exhaustion. I think I'm yawning, but then I can't necessarily tell the difference since my nose is clogging considerably, forcing me to breathe through my mouth... and not in the good way inspired by boot-wearing companions.

Anyway, since I'd like to clear away some Firefox windows before I go to bed, here's a Facebook meme that I started to do a few days ago and then didn't finish. I'm posting it here, rather than Facebook, since I rarely post on Facebook beyond the status messages. That interface is annoying enough without silly memes from insignificant Wes popping up on your pages. (more...)

-posted by Wes | 8:52 am | Comments (1)
February 26, 2009
It's that time again
Category: Miscellany

I rarely get sick. Sure, I manage to injure myself often enough, and other painful conditions reassert themselves from time to time, but actual illness is something that only takes me every few years or so. Well, it is apparently that time again! At present, I feel like there is a thick stream of mucus running from my head to my gut. It is clogging my throat and routinely emptying in my nose, causing me to go through a considerable amount of tissues. And deep inside my chest is a pit that alternates between feelings of heat and cold, which can either be somewhat pleasant or rack me with teeth-chattering discomfort. I do not enjoy being sick.

These feverish feelings are also accompanied by a slight delirium. It's not quite intense enough to get me to act upon the distorted thoughts and sights that plague me in this state, but it's still rather odd. For instance, when I curled up in my covers last night, I distinctly thought of myself as being an insect nestling into my cocoon. When I closed my eyes, I saw the stippled brown casing, bits of leaves, and the branch from which I hung; when I reached out to draw the covers in around my chin, I saw a hairy insect limb where my hand would have been (what I saw was really more like a fly limb than that of a caterpillar, but hey). Right now, it is almost as if I can feel gears turning in my head and thoughts being squeezed out of my mental apparatus like dollops of batter being pumped onto a conveyor belt from some giant... squeezing thing. My head hurts and my ears are popping as if I just exited a trans-national flight.

I hope that I feel better soon! Not that I ever feel great, but... yeah. 🙁

-posted by Wes | 4:42 pm | Comments (4)
February 24, 2009
More fun with toys
Category: Toys



Chun-Li and Ryu.

-posted by Wes | 2:00 am | Comments (6)