Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
February 1, 2004
So I read this story...
Category: Miscellany

Nothing really new to add, except look for the debut of a new SC ongoing feature really soon. Like maybe later today, maybe Monday. Soon. I'll keep you posted.

Tonight's post is courtesy of Hannah, who also has a link now in the sidebar. In a blog post today she referred readers to "Kafka in Bronteland", a short story by Tamar Yellin. If you've got the time, give it a look and let me know what you think -- I'd be really curious to hear what you've got to say about it. (more...)

-posted by Wes | 1:01 am | Comments (0)
January 30, 2004
What happened?
Category: Serious

I wanted to post last night, but I was feeling like crap so I wasn't quite up to it. Physically, I mean, though morale is a problem too. Physically because I was doing the work/taking lots of photos for an upcoming SC feature. I'm like the Mick Foley of these "random crap comedy" websites -- putting my body and health on the line for your entertainment. I really hope you people appreciate it. I don't quite feel like throwing up anymore, but I still feel sluggiiiiiisssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhh. Ugh.

I don't really feel up to writing anything substantial tonight either, but I did write a rather lengthy e-mail earlier, so I'll just excerpt from that. Hope nobody minds... (more...)

-posted by Wes | 12:26 pm | Comments (0)
January 28, 2004
Scary-Crayon updated! (1/29/04)
Category: SC Updates

Okay, so technically it's not tomorrow yet, but still... SC's been updated. 🙂

-posted by Wes | 11:52 pm | Comments Off on Scary-Crayon updated! (1/29/04)
A blog entry to kill some time...
Category: Miscellany

Kinda bored, but Angel starts in about an hour so I don't want to start doing anything significant. Therefore, blog post. Works out nicely, doesn't it? (more...)

-posted by Wes | 8:41 pm | Comments (0)
January 27, 2004
And now, a quiz result.
Category: Meme
i am one with Jeebas
I am 9% evil.Take the test ::

We now return you to your regularly scheduled program.

-posted by Wes | 8:32 pm | Comments (0)