Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
May 18, 2004
Wes, you worry too much...
Category: Miscellany

Alright, so today's unique visitors only doubled, which isn't so bad. And while I'm sure that the plug on god bless the children of iraq had something to do with it, I'm not entirely sure how much, since a good number of hits came in today from a handful of blog and forum posts. And of course, the TMNT anime drew the vast majority of hits, which probably wouldn't be the case if most of the visitors came to the index, since I'd expect them to read the most recent articles rather than the old TMNT one. Well, there's a relief. Actually, it's worth noting that it was the blog that pulled in more than the usual number of posts, with over double the visitors it gets on a regular basis. Given that the usual number of people viewed the main page, I'm going to go out on a limb and say that the post pages and the resultant increased frequency of pages appearing on google searches help account for the increased number of unique visitors, as well as the possibility that the various web bots faced the daunting challenge of scanning them ALL today (which would account for today's rather HUGE access log file). Whew.

So yeah, the site is okay! And I'm still gonna donate something to Ryan, 'cause that server's gotta be killing him, even if my shameless plug didn't end up causing the death of mine. Again, I wipe my brow to that one.

Alrighty, I'm mighty tired now, but I should have a new article for you on Wednesday...and maybe another little something later today/tomorrow. Whee.

-posted by Wes | 12:46 am | Comments (0)
May 17, 2004
Bloody hell; that was not smart.
Category: Miscellany

In just over three hours, people, we get to see how awesomely bad this idea really was. I'm already in the process of drafting a really awkward e-mail begging the site's owner to remove that link for me...and I'm already preparing to give the guy a donation, too. Not solely because of all of the free advertising, but because if the number of people who visited the site today is high enough to scare me, how many others must be viewing his page and playing around with that script? After all, that slogan is number 758,237 -- if so many people came across IT, how many people must be visiting overall? That site must be killing his server, so here more than ever I feel compelled to donate a buck or two or more to help out his cause.

Jeez, I didn't expect that it would pull in as many hits as I'm anticipating...but even if it didn't, I'll still probably donate something and ask for a withdrawal. We'll see. SOON.

-posted by Wes | 8:45 pm | Comments (0)
Free advertising and HTML notes.
Category: Miscellany

Courtesy of god bless the children of iraq, free advertising! 'Cept given the popularity of this site, I'm thinking maybe that was a bad idea, seeing as how I have a bandwidth cap and all...but hopefully that won't do too much damage. (more...)

-posted by Wes | 1:15 pm | Comments (0)
Beautiful, Amusing, and/or Strange Links
Category: Miscellany

So it's time for a post of links. But first, a question. I went to Wine in the Woods with Mom today and ended up drinking a lot of wine (Mom doesn't really drink, so I ended up using most of her tickets too)... Whee. I'd blog about it, but I took a handful of pics and am actually considering turning it into an article for Scary-Crayon (see, anything to pad SC's content :D), in which case I'd just refer everybody there once I got it written. But here's a scan of one thing that I picked up while there...

Sarah McLachlan LIVE!

And the question: DID EVERYONE ELSE KNOW THAT SARAH MCLACHLAN WAS SO GORGEOUS?!?!? I mean, I like her music, but I'm not the kind of person who gets so into singers and bands that I actually look up info and pictures about the artists, so unless I see 'em in person or happen to watch one of their videos -- or see them in a movie or on a magazine cover -- I'm not gonna know what they look like. But wow, she's really pretty. Reminds me of Juliet Landau...and you know how I <3 my Dru. Speaking of really attractive musicians, I saw Ani DiFranco on the cover of some magazine the other day. Be still, my fluttering heart. (more...)

-posted by Wes | 4:38 am | Comments (0)
May 16, 2004
New layout. Bah.
Category: Miscellany

Yep, that's today's update. So never fret, Candeee, I decided I'd give purple to the blog and leave SC with the deep crimson. At least for now. 😉 Also, post pages are on, so now all subsequent links to previous posts will take you to individual pages for them. YAY! I am, however, a little miffed that I can't seem to find the option to change the template of the archives pages (after all, they all don't need the links list on them), and that the post pages are in their own separate month/year directories is on the one hand helpful for keeping things organized and on the other hand quite annoying, since I prefer to link things relatively and now stuff is all screwedededed up. Find an old post with a graphic and view its post page to see what I mean. I switched the header and sidebar graphics to absolute references so they don't look all screwy, but there's no way I'm going back and doing that for every single graphic I've ever posted on the blog EVER. I dislike post pages very much now, and if I can't find a way to give 'em different, simplified templates, I may just can them altogether and return to the old ways. We'll keep the swanky new purple background, though. (more...)

-posted by Wes | 1:56 pm | Comments (0)