Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
May 16, 2004
New layout. Bah.
Category: Miscellany

Yep, that's today's update. So never fret, Candeee, I decided I'd give purple to the blog and leave SC with the deep crimson. At least for now. 😉 Also, post pages are on, so now all subsequent links to previous posts will take you to individual pages for them. YAY! I am, however, a little miffed that I can't seem to find the option to change the template of the archives pages (after all, they all don't need the links list on them), and that the post pages are in their own separate month/year directories is on the one hand helpful for keeping things organized and on the other hand quite annoying, since I prefer to link things relatively and now stuff is all screwedededed up. Find an old post with a graphic and view its post page to see what I mean. I switched the header and sidebar graphics to absolute references so they don't look all screwy, but there's no way I'm going back and doing that for every single graphic I've ever posted on the blog EVER. I dislike post pages very much now, and if I can't find a way to give 'em different, simplified templates, I may just can them altogether and return to the old ways. We'll keep the swanky new purple background, though.

I also updated the layout of the comments page, since I'm not quite ready to switch to Blogger commenting yet (also, it was rather easy to do). Some of you mentioned that you'd heard bad things about Blogger's commenting system. Such as? Answer with comments...

And crap! I meant to update the e-mail links with my Gmail address when I republished the blog, but I guess I'll do that some other time. I'm really behind on e-mails (apologies to a handful o' folks, especially those of you who e-mailed me towards the end of April...), but now you know my thoughts on this matter, Sam -- Gmail is pretty kickass, IMHO. For everything except ebay and some other administrative type things, it's all but become my primary e-mailing tool. So yay for Gmail!

Final thoughts: Scary-Crayon is getting to be a big alien creature thing now, so I'm thinking it's about time that it got its own blog... Actually, scratch that. SC doesn't need a blog. I was just thinking that pretty much everything I'd do in a blog on SC gets done not only over here, but on SC's main page, with the four line article previews and the Site Talk bar on the right of the page. X-Entertainment's blog, for example, actually serves a greater purpose, since Matt occasionally asks readers to share their memories and often blogs about things he doesn't think are important/interesting/whatever enough to get the "front page treatment." But I wrote a full article about a McDonald's cup, so you know I have no qualms about turning ANYTHING into a front page piece... And I've got a cut/paste system down with the new updates, so the news program can wait. All SC could really do with, I guess, is a search engine and a commenting system or a forum type deal. Suggestions?

And a special hello to, Mickey, who commented on the update before I finished writing this post. 🙂 I am beginning to get used to this new Blogger, but I still like the old one better.

I'll be back next time with that window cleaning post I need to do. 'Till then, ja!

-posted by Wes | 1:56 pm | Comments (0)
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