Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
July 23, 2013
I think I hate toy collectors.
Category: Toys

Yep. I think I hate toy collectors.

I don't hate all toy collectors, obviously. Some -- many -- most -- of my favorite people collect toys. I collect toys. But I never set out to collect toys, and I don't much enjoy the activity of collecting, per se. I don't pride myself on the size or value of my collection or the rarity of items in it, and I don't compare it to the collections of others as if it makes me more or less worthy -- I hate the "he who dies with the most toys wins" mentality. I just really love toys, so I buy a lot of toys, and I've amassed a collection because of that.

So it's the collectors who treat collecting itself like it's a sport -- like it's golf, even, 'cause that's the expensive one -- whom I really despise. I want toys, so I guess I "hunt" for them -- but not only do I not enjoy the hunt, I don't think it should be necessary. (My favorite lines right now are TMNT and My Little Pony, because they don't require hunting. I don't have to buy a figure on sight, afraid I might never see it again -- it's all but guaranteed that I'll see it again, multiple times, over the course of many, many months.) I hate the hoops companies like Mattel make us jump through to collect certain lines, and I hate how difficult it is to get most convention exclusives. (I found NECA's process to be really easy this year, but I even have problems with that. It just so happened that I was sitting at the computer when the figures were made available the second time, and folks who were elsewhere should be able to get them too. I preferred it when NECA sold the exclusives via their Amazon store.) (more...)

-posted by Wes | 2:09 pm | Comments (3)
January 24, 2012
SC Blog: Toy and Collectibles Show
Category: SC Updates … Toys … Travels

So I posted a lengthy blog entry on Scary-Crayon -- the first not attached to an article/feature, I think -- that details my thoughts on (and purchases from) the toy and collectibles show I attended last weekend in Timonium, MD. I think one of the great tragedies of my life (and there are many) is that I largely despise the cultures surrounding and the people involved with the things I enjoy the most.

My dad often says that I should open a toy shop, and sometimes I think that that would be cool. But then I remember that not only would I have to deal with people I loathe on a regular basis: I'd essentially have to become one of those people just for my business to remain competitive. And that would not be cool at all.

-posted by Wes | 3:37 pm | Comments (0)
December 15, 2011
A String of Ponies
Category: Toys

I bought lots of ponies.

The sickest thing? This isn't even all of the ponies I bought last week.

Of course, all of the ponies but Rarity at the top were B1G1 free. I haven't completely lost my mind, you know.

Also -- BONUS VALUE! -- they came with DVDs. Granted, every pony came with the same episode, but hey. If you're among the folks I send packages, you know what'll be included in your next one. 😛

-posted by Wes | 12:16 pm | Comments (1)
December 3, 2011
Fluttershy is love
Category: Toys

I heart Fluttershy.

I shampooed and conditioned Fluttershy's hair! And then I curled her hair at the ends by way of a straw set (or at least that's what my sister says the technique is called).

Stop judging me. 🙁

-posted by Wes | 7:25 am | Comments (6)
November 25, 2011
Pony Tails!
Category: Toys … TV, Film, & DVDs

Pony Tails!

I've been watching a lot of "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic" lately. I don't think I like it nearly as much as a lot of the nerd set -- you won't catch me declaring myself a "brony" or joining MLP fan communities -- but it is a cute show and the characters are endearing enough that I've picked up a couple of the toys and plan to grab a few more. I've also bought a couple cheaper not-MLP toys, as seen above! Lanard's Pony Tails Collection offerings may not have the MLP name, but -- unlike some other Lanard me-too lines (compare Lanard's The Corps figures to Hasbro's G.I. Joes) -- they're largely on par with the Hasbro toys in terms of quality. Brand names and character backgrounds notwithstanding, an adorable soft plastic pony with rooted hair and a swivel neck is an adorable soft plastic pony with rooted hair and a swivel neck.

-posted by Wes | 5:05 am | Comments (4)