Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
February 19, 2004
Let them love who they will.
Category: Serious

I'm still feeling a little drained, and I'm not sure I have a ton to say about the subject, but here goes.

Contrary to what some people have argued, I have no doubt whatsoever that the words of the Bible explicitly disapprove of homosexual relations -- and Judaism and Christianity are clearly not the only religions that view homosexuality as sinful in nature.

However, the topic of gay marriage is not properly an issue of religion, but an issue of state. (Perhaps these two forums -- state and religion -- are not ultimately so easily divorced, as the laws must appeal to, in the end, some conception of the good, which, I think, must be transcendent if it is to mean anything. However, there is supposed to be a marked separation of church and state, and, in any case, we are not discussing these subjects on the meta-level at which they converge.) (more...)

-posted by Wes | 9:51 pm | Comments (0)
February 17, 2004
Old editorials on a subject I hate.
Category: Serious

Given the discussion that's raging on in Amanda's blog -- and given that I'm really averse to writing a new and lengthy essay on the subject -- I figured I'd post a few older articles with related content. So here we go. The more recent of these is "On Diversity.", which I wrote shortly after last summer's Supreme Court decisions regarding race-based affirmative action. The older one, "E-mails & Diversity & Assumptions -- Oh My!", was written during my time as a staff writer for The Voice, an upstart student publication at Yale. It seems to be defunct now. I should e-mail the guys who ran it just to say hi, but I probably won't. 😉

(Note: Unlike most of my links, the editorials won't open in a new window, because they're only one page and link directly back to the blog. Just a heads up!)

This topic is filling me with frustration, which means I may end up working on my story in a bit. Fingers crossed!

-posted by Wes | 9:51 am | Comments (0)
February 16, 2004
Category: Serious

I'm really tired right now -- just wanted to make a brief post before I take a nap and maybe don't wake up until morning. Or something.

Amanda's latest post is about the a "Whites-Only Scholarship" offered by a student group at Roger Williams University. There's quite a discussion going on in her blog, and despite the fact that I really hate these discussions, I threw in my two cents in a couple of posts, which I've pasted below: (more...)

-posted by Wes | 11:00 pm | Comments (0)
February 11, 2004
Not a good sign
Category: Serious

Yay, Dawn's mentioned/linked us again. 🙂 Unfortunately for those of you who've followed that link over, I don't have much in the way of new substantial content for you at the moment; I've promised myself that I won't write any more significant posts until I finish writing the short story that I'm currently working on. (But if you want to check out a recent substantial piece, try "For Hannah" and let me know what you think. Dawn enjoyed it, but it's also moved one person to discontinue speaking to me, and I haven't heard from Hannah since I posted it -- not a good sign. In any case, it's definitely getting mixed reviews...) (more...)

-posted by Wes | 9:11 am | Comments (0)
February 6, 2004
Category: Serious

Every vent in the house is choo-ing like a locomotive and the air smells of heated metal and burning crumbs.

Perhaps the house is about to explode. (more...)

-posted by Wes | 3:41 am | Comments (0)