I am not optimistic about the persuasive ability of the essay that follows. I do hope that, at the very least, it may encourage people to devote some attention to matters that previously did not concern them, and I hope that they may reevaluate the meaning of some terms that they are apt to throw around on a daily basis as if these terms have significance -- but which ultimately may not, if other beliefs that they hold ring true. That is, if truth has any real meaning. It is my conviction that it does, though I think it may be futile to attempt to convince others of that. Nevertheless, I will try. (more...)

This just in:
According to one visitor to the site, Scary-Crayon is "like the site of a fifteen-year-old kid." That visitor found it "disturbing" that the site would belong to a "grown man." (more...)
I wanted to post last night, but I was feeling like crap so I wasn't quite up to it. Physically, I mean, though morale is a problem too. Physically because I was doing the work/taking lots of photos for an upcoming SC feature. I'm like the Mick Foley of these "random crap comedy" websites -- putting my body and health on the line for your entertainment. I really hope you people appreciate it. I don't quite feel like throwing up anymore, but I still feel sluggiiiiiisssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhh. Ugh.
I don't really feel up to writing anything substantial tonight either, but I did write a rather lengthy e-mail earlier, so I'll just excerpt from that. Hope nobody minds... (more...)
Since I'm finally getting around to responding to the C.S. Lewis quote that Dawn left in "Go Wes", I thought it only appropriate that we start off the post with a bad pun in the topic. Other recent meditations inspired by Dawn's post can be read here. (Also, if you scroll up, you can see my completed Krang drawing, which I posted at the end of the previous post. I'm really pleased with how it turned out. Look at that smile! Excellent.) (more...)
Brief notes: Finished yet another SC feature; began drawing Krang (looks pretty good so far...); made significant headway in the story by realizing that the last part that I wrote needed to be excised. Every line that I write follows the one before it, so if a series of lines are off, like walking up a staircase in an abandoned building, eventually I reach a boarded up door. Now that I've discovered that, I'm heading back down the staircase, and hopefully things will go more smoothly. Also, I've had this quiz window open for ages, so let's post the results and get it over with...
what flavor pocky are you?
[c] sugardew
That said, it's time to give a proper reply to Dawn Eden's recent blog entry entitled "Go Wes". I really like the title. 🙂 I may end up addressing the quotation from C.S. Lewis during the course of this response -- and in any case, religion will certainly come up -- but I want to begin my reply on a more personal note. I've been up all night, so it may not be the most coherent of pieces...but it should be readable. Hopefully I'll say something interesting, at least... (more...)