New Scary-Crayon article: A McDonald's Cup Review. Not a fancy plastic promo cup either -- just your regular run-of-the-mill wax paper cup you get with any ol' McDonald's beverage purchase. Enjoy!
New blog link added: Mac Swift's Vessel of Honour. And both Mac and Dawn offer up posts about Jewishness -- Dawn, in "Who's a Jew?", discusses what it means to be a Jew (with reference to the latter part of my recent post "Feelin' Fine"), and Mac in "Love that Jew!" So if you're interested, give those a read. I still think that Joey -- who only began playing up his supposed "Jewishness" in the last year or so, from what I've seen anyway -- is full of crap, but in all honesty I thought that anyway. This is a guy who took a train to Canada back in 1999 to pick up a prostitute (since he wants to be a politician and therefore didn't want to break any American laws -- how Clintonesque) so that he could say he "fucked in two millennia" and this past Christmas loudly sang, "Ann Coulter is a racist bitch!" upon sighting the woman in the flesh on Christmas Day, for crying out loud. Why is it that I'm acquainted with so many awful people? I dunno. (more...)