Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
February 17, 2004
Old editorials on a subject I hate.
Category: Serious

Given the discussion that's raging on in Amanda's blog -- and given that I'm really averse to writing a new and lengthy essay on the subject -- I figured I'd post a few older articles with related content. So here we go. The more recent of these is "On Diversity.", which I wrote shortly after last summer's Supreme Court decisions regarding race-based affirmative action. The older one, "E-mails & Diversity & Assumptions -- Oh My!", was written during my time as a staff writer for The Voice, an upstart student publication at Yale. It seems to be defunct now. I should e-mail the guys who ran it just to say hi, but I probably won't. 😉

(Note: Unlike most of my links, the editorials won't open in a new window, because they're only one page and link directly back to the blog. Just a heads up!)

This topic is filling me with frustration, which means I may end up working on my story in a bit. Fingers crossed!

-posted by Wes | 9:51 am | Comments (0)
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