Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
May 7, 2004
Scary-Crayon updated!
Category: SC Updates

A review of the "Street Fighter: The Animated Series" episode entitled "The Flame and the Rose". Enjoy! And tell me what you think of the special purple background color in comparison to the normal maroon...'cause I'm considering switching over to it. Or maybe doing purple with stripes or something. I dunno.


-posted by Wes | 8:42 am | Comments (0)
May 3, 2004
Scary-Crayon updated!
Category: SC Updates

And now, Crayon Poetry Corner.

YES. Crayon Poetry Corner #3, entitled "Grass Cutting in the Dark", details the frustration of being made to mow the lawn in the darkness of night. How would I know that? Well, late Friday evening, my mother decided that she absolutely wanted the grass cut before Saturday -- and who else was going to do it? -- so I got out there and started mowing...and before too long I found myself laboring in the dark. Woo. Also, this one's a villanelle! You'll see when you read it, but for more information on villanelles, go here -- that's where I got my info. I wasn't familiar with villanelles at all until the other day; while browsing short story markets I came across a publication that doesn't take poetry submissions "except villanelles." I'm thinking it was a joke -- who writes villanelles anyway these days? did anyone ever write them much? -- but I'm still going to send them two with whatever story I choose to submit. Yep, in addition to this one, I wrote two others. I may even try to write up a third for them in the next couple of days. 😀

I'll have more to say later (my Saturday kinda sucked), but for now, enjoy Crayon Poetry Corner #3. Ja!

-posted by Wes | 3:29 am | Comments (0)
April 30, 2004
Scary-Crayon updated!
Category: SC Updates

I know, I know -- I meant to have this up yesterday. I'm an hour late. Sorry. 🙁

Hopefully the content of the article will make up for it -- believe me when I tell you I put a lot of work into this one. And not just because I literally had to eat poop for it. No, really. See for yourself, as Scary-Crayon reviews Oops a-Daisy and Porky Pooper! Enjoy. (more...)

-posted by Wes | 1:10 am | Comments (0)
April 26, 2004
Scary-Crayon updated!
Category: SC Updates

And now, Scary-Crayon brings you a review of The Little Mermaid. If you prefer blondes to redheads and hate musicals, this is the version you want to see. Enjoy!

Also, I added Anne-Marie's blog to the links. I used to know an Anne-Marie back in high school. Or wait, maybe her name was Mary-Anne? Yeah, I think that's it... Whatever her name was, she was kinda cute. Really dizzy though; one day during Physics lab she went on and on about her breasts and how she came to the conclusion that they should have names, and then how she went about choosing names for each of them. Yeah, that was an interesting day...

Alright, go read about The Little Mermaid! See ya next time. 😉

-posted by Wes | 12:59 am | Comments (0)
April 22, 2004
Scary-Crayon updated!
Category: SC Updates

Today, we've got not one but TWO new pieces for you. Ready?

A Crayon Haiku #11

A Random Lunch #2

Enjoy! Also, if you check out the main page, I'm trying a simple new background deal. Lemme know if you dig the stripes or if you prefer the simple flat background (like what we've got going here in the blog). K?

And SC link buttons are up, so if you've been dying to link us with a graphic, now you can! (See the SC sidebar for the link buttons. :))

As noted in the Site Talk section of the main page, the images on the buttons in the right column come from Desecration, which is a truly awful movie despite a number of reviews to the contrary. So of course I've got it on dvd, and I'm planning to review it whenever I can muster up the strength to suffer through it again. There are a number of other reviews I'd like to get through first, though.

And I'm still looking for a good news posting program, if you've got suggestions.

OH! And I entered a "Create a 5th Turtle" type of contest, so here's my entry, if you're interested in having a look see. The background is one of the photos I took on the day that I got lost in the Crystal City Labyrinth. I totally need to go back there.

Ok, ja for now. 🙂

-posted by Wes | 7:01 pm | Comments (0)