Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
April 30, 2004
Scary-Crayon updated!
Category: SC Updates

I know, I know -- I meant to have this up yesterday. I'm an hour late. Sorry. 🙁

Hopefully the content of the article will make up for it -- believe me when I tell you I put a lot of work into this one. And not just because I literally had to eat poop for it. No, really. See for yourself, as Scary-Crayon reviews Oops a-Daisy and Porky Pooper! Enjoy.

In other news, my Classic Teen Titans set shipped today. Yesterday I blamed monkey Gar for making me order it, but that was misleading. Yes, the monkey is cool as hell, but it's really Bandai's fault. And why, you ask? FOR NOT MAKING 5" STARFIRE AND RAVEN FIGURES, THAT'S WHY!!! Oh, sure, they made them in the stupid 3.5" figure line, but y'know what? Those suck. Raven doesn't even come with her hood. She always fights with her hood on, so you're really staging battle scenes with lounging-around-the-tower Raven. And when did she ever fight with a gun? Or Starfire, for that matter? Or Beast Boy? Or Robin? And I believe Cyborg's cannon is part of his arm. Bleh. I wanted decent-sized Starfire and Raven figures, so I had to go old school. If they ever release 5" Raven and Starfire figs based on the new show, I'll definitely get those too, and I'll probably end up buying a 5" Cyborg (if only because that gold one looks fruity as all hell -- but trust me, I'll milk that one for more than a couple of laughs when he appears in an issue of Dusty Plastic HELL). I've got an old Robin figure from my adolescent Batman craze, but this new one does, admittedly, look way cooler, so I may end up getting him too. Beast Boy's the only figure I wouldn't get from the 5" line, which is too bad. I like his character better than both Robin and Cyborg, but his figure sucks. And besides, that buff Changeling (aka Beast Boy) figure in the set may look very little like even the comic book version, but that's the guy I want on my team. See, he's been working out.

IT'S POOPIN' TIME!!!!! Go read. And ja for now!

-posted by Wes | 1:10 am | Comments (0)
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