Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
May 3, 2004
Scary-Crayon updated!
Category: SC Updates

And now, Crayon Poetry Corner.

YES. Crayon Poetry Corner #3, entitled "Grass Cutting in the Dark", details the frustration of being made to mow the lawn in the darkness of night. How would I know that? Well, late Friday evening, my mother decided that she absolutely wanted the grass cut before Saturday -- and who else was going to do it? -- so I got out there and started mowing...and before too long I found myself laboring in the dark. Woo. Also, this one's a villanelle! You'll see when you read it, but for more information on villanelles, go here -- that's where I got my info. I wasn't familiar with villanelles at all until the other day; while browsing short story markets I came across a publication that doesn't take poetry submissions "except villanelles." I'm thinking it was a joke -- who writes villanelles anyway these days? did anyone ever write them much? -- but I'm still going to send them two with whatever story I choose to submit. Yep, in addition to this one, I wrote two others. I may even try to write up a third for them in the next couple of days. 😀

I'll have more to say later (my Saturday kinda sucked), but for now, enjoy Crayon Poetry Corner #3. Ja!

-posted by Wes | 3:29 am | Comments (0)
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