Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
January 20, 2012
Facebook status messages!
Category: Miscellany … Technical Stuff

I totally need to figure out how to get them crossposted here, because some of my status messages are awesome. EXAMPLES:

Wes... is eating triple chocolate oat cereal with habanero chipotle sauce.

So Uncle Ben's is running a commercial about how a grain of rice can "fly" -- a reference to how quickly it can go from the microwave to the table. Neat idea, Uncle Ben's, but now I associate your rice with maggots.

Wes... just saw a vampire policewoman on the news -- with extremely prominent fangs and the last name "Innocenti," no less. If vampires want to remain hidden, they should try harder.

Yep! Google searches keep leading me to some outdated plugin -- I need something more recent! Or maybe I should just give in to Twitter ( 😥 ), since it seems like people have an easier time getting it to post to WP and Facebook.

-posted by Wes | 4:28 am | Comments (0)
December 25, 2011
Happy holidays, everypony!
Category: Miscellany … SC Updates

What the post title says! :mrgreen: I has posted festive images on Scary-Crayon.

Best wishes to y'all until next time!

-posted by Wes | 4:43 pm | Comments (0)
February 24, 2011
Tonight's dinner
Category: Miscellany

Poured dry oatmeal, salt, garlic powder, cajun seasoning, cornmeal, and sliced frozen carrots and squash into a bowl, then poured half a beer on top of that. Nuked for several minutes, added a teaspoon of mayonnaise and a handful of flax seed. Stirred and consumed.

-posted by Wes | 8:39 pm | Comments (5)
January 17, 2011
2011 update!
Category: Miscellany … Toys … Travels

Wow -- it's been a rather long time since I wrote in the old blog, eh? Let's see what's happening with me...

1. I have gone two weeks without buying any action figures! My last such purchases were on January 1, and since then I've actually returned two figures and sold one, so I actually have fewer toys than I had before and have spent negative money on them. This will not last, since I intend to spend $7.05 on Hasbro products by the end of the month in order to qualify for another free item (through January 31, Hasbro is offering select free items for purchases of $20), but still. Two weeks without buying any toys! Considering that I averaged nearly a toy a day from mid-November through December, that is pretty impressive.

Note that my purchase of the Doctor Who Christmas Adventure Set last week does not count, since that was reserved back in December and I had already set aside the necessary funds for it. Also, as it is a reserve item and won't ship until I've accrued $60 worth of merchandise, there's no telling when I'll actually see it. 🙂 (more...)

-posted by Wes | 4:58 pm | Comments (7)
September 8, 2010
No envy here, no sir...
Category: Miscellany

Our exchanges in #db are always amusing. :mrgreen:

<Sixshot> Wes: -- Feel the envy
<Wes> over the sonics or the Glau autograph?
<Wes> I don't want Glau's signature, I want her body
<Sixshot> Either... but still, having her autograph is better than nothin' at all ;P
<Wes> not really
<Wes> it's just ink
<Wes> running my tongue over it would not be satisfying at all
<Wes> in fact it would be markedly unpleasant

-posted by Wes | 5:01 am | Comments (2)