Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
April 18, 2005
A Scary-Crayon game review!
Category: SC Updates

Mary-Kate & Ashley's Dance Party of the Century!

That's right! I know I'm about three hours early -- and I don't bloody care -- but here it is: Scary-Crayon's in-depth review of Mary-Kate & Ashley's Dance Party of the Century! (Does that answer your question, Parizad? ;)) Actually, I hate to say it, but for what it is the game is actually pretty... good. It's certainly well worth the $1.15 I spent on it, anyway! :mrgreen:

Also, the Site Talk block on the content pages has a new blurb and the Links block has been updated with two new links -- one for Alligator Juice and one for Culture Freak. So check those out too! Ja ne.

-posted by Wes | 9:14 pm | Comments (7)
Random music in 2046
Category: Miscellany

Fairly dull weekend -- didn't really get much of anything done. Hopefully I'll be more productive on these "days off" in the future. But maybe I needed the rest.

After I finished up my last day at the bookstore, one of the managers took me for a ride into some neighboring cities and showed me a few cool shops. At Creature Zone, I picked up another copy of 2046 (I'd gotten the film in Boston back in February, but unfortunately my copy was a faulty one that only played the first few minutes before giving in to skipping and glitches) and, at Tower Records, acquired three random CDs from the bargain bin. (more...)

-posted by Wes | 4:53 am | Comments (3)
April 16, 2005
Hello, unemployment.
Category: Miscellany

It's official -- as of today, Wes is without a job. Let's see if anyone will hire the poor worthless philosophy major. Still waiting to hear back about that job I interviewed for a few weeks ago, but I'm not terribly optimistic given that, as of next Wednesday, that interview will have taken place exactly one month ago. Sigh. 🙁

In other news, for those of you in the market for a good online hosting service, look no further -- WordPress offers several hosting suggestions that sound pretty great. I'm not presently looking to switch over, as I'm not in need of any new features at the moment (my hosting plan, for instance, only includes three MySQL databases, but do I really need ten?) and I kinda feel like I owe 1and1 for hosting Scary-Crayon and the blog's first year for free (more/less, anyway, but the service has been good to us), but if I were the plan offered by Blue Host looks pretty hard to beat. Just a suggestion for those of you who use Blogspot hosting yet are tired of Blogger's downtimes and problems and whatnot. 'Cause WordPress f'n rules, baby.

All for now -- ja ne, minna-san.

-posted by Wes | 2:55 am | Comments (9)
April 15, 2005
Scary-Crayon updated *again*!
Category: SC Updates

Will wonders never cease? Scary-Crayon's got two bloody pieces for you today -- yet another Dusty Plastic HELL: Hot Flash (which will probably only make sense to Buffy/Angel fans, but that's okay!) and a review of Harry G. Frankfurt's On Bullshit, which currently holds the #3 slot on the NYTimes Best-selling Hardcover Nonfiction list. It made me laugh a few times, but I ultimately didn't like it. 'Cause it was bullshit, man.

Aaaand that's all for tonight. Ja!

-posted by Wes | 3:43 am | Comments (3)
April 13, 2005
Which Incredibles Character Are You?
Category: Meme

You are Violet

Which Incredibles Character Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

What the hell is this crap? I would've thought SYNDROME for sure. Maybe I just don't want enough people dead yet. ("Yet," he says!)

Gacked from houses7177, but I think her LJ is locked.

-posted by Wes | 3:24 pm | Comments (5)