Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
April 16, 2005
Hello, unemployment.
Category: Miscellany

It's official -- as of today, Wes is without a job. Let's see if anyone will hire the poor worthless philosophy major. Still waiting to hear back about that job I interviewed for a few weeks ago, but I'm not terribly optimistic given that, as of next Wednesday, that interview will have taken place exactly one month ago. Sigh. 🙁

In other news, for those of you in the market for a good online hosting service, look no further -- WordPress offers several hosting suggestions that sound pretty great. I'm not presently looking to switch over, as I'm not in need of any new features at the moment (my hosting plan, for instance, only includes three MySQL databases, but do I really need ten?) and I kinda feel like I owe 1and1 for hosting Scary-Crayon and the blog's first year for free (more/less, anyway, but the service has been good to us), but if I were the plan offered by Blue Host looks pretty hard to beat. Just a suggestion for those of you who use Blogspot hosting yet are tired of Blogger's downtimes and problems and whatnot. 'Cause WordPress f'n rules, baby.

All for now -- ja ne, minna-san.

-posted by Wes | 2:55 am | Comments (9)
  • Omni says:

    Hi, I... ok, this is gonna be weird, just to warn you. There's this site called "Blogshares" that plays a stock market game with blogs; I went there to see if my blog is listed, and it IS, and it showed linked to me what looked like a wedding blog, so I came to take a look... and ended up HERE!! :-O

    Wait, I'll explain, lol; I'm on Blogshares here

    and the very last blog shown as linking to me is called "Blog of Wed," which is in their system here

    with the URL given as

    I thought that was a weird URL for a wedding blog, but that interested me even more, lol, so I clicked the link... and here I am!! 🙂

    This is so NOT what I expected, but you've got good stuff here, so I've put in a link to YOU, and I'll come back and visit you; and I bet someone WILL hire the "poor worthless philosophy major" soon, by the way, so cheer up and enjoy your weekend!! 🙂

  • Wes says:

    Interesting, Omni -- I think WP thought your comment was spam, because this is the first comment I've ever been required to approve! But yeah, my old blog was located at that URL and was titled "Blog of Wes" (not "Wed"; someone typo'd there!), but since I started up the new one (and since it contains all of the old posts) I set up a .htaccess redirect to send folks over here. And yeah, I did have you linked on the old blog (I've even written a few posts commenting on your entries, I believe, so feel free to try out the search function!), probably as a result of a friend in common. Still in the process of porting all of the old links over to this new blog, though -- gives me something to do to keep maintenance up around here. 🙂

    And thanks for the encouraging words! I hope someone will hire me, anyway.

  • Omni says:

    You're a friend of SAM'S?!! You must be good folks, then, because he's a lovely young man. 🙂

    I used the search function, and found 2 posts referring to my site; I wish I'd met you sooner, since you've been reading my blog for so long... thanks for sticking with me, by the way. 🙂

    Some systems think that a post with more than 1 URL is spam; that's happened before.,, count on ME to make a troublesome post, lol.

    That typo over at Blogshares is pretty funny; you can make a good case for having them fix it, but it's sort of cool the way it is, too.

    I've been unemployed myself, so I know how it feels; keep your spirits up, because you'll be hired sooner than you think. 🙂

  • Wes says:

    Well, I wouldn't say we're tea buddies or anything, but yeah Sam and I drop in on each other (in an online capacity; I only wish I lived in Canada) from time to time. I kinda miss his seven word summaries, personally. 😉

    And hey, no problem about the visiting -- I don't get out as much to read blogs as I used to, but I try to pop in every now and then. I checked the old posts too -- those were good times with "Mad Mad House" and all.

    Anyway, here's hoping I can find a good job in the near future!

  • Becky says:

    That really sucks. What do you do for a living?

  • Wes says:

    Per the Dusty Plastic HELL: Hot Flash comics, I used to work at a bookstore, but I'd hardly call what I made there a living wage. Sad truth is, I've never been able to get hired at a job that paid enough to cover any actual living expenses. Hell, I've barely got enough in my savings to pay for a quiet cremation ceremony in the event of my death. 🙁

  • Citrus says:

    Hi, I stumbled across this blog while looking for "crayon" links. If you stop by and read the last few posts of mine, it will all make sense... I'm glad I found this place. It is full of bleak goodness and gothic absurdity.

    I just found out about the whole virtual "stockmarket" at blogshares a couple of days ago, and the jury is still out as far as I'm concerned. I mean, heck, I CAN'T even buy my own shares!!! It's pretty complicated with all the "idea selling and buying" too. I dunno.

    Nice to meet you, though. See ya soon.

  • Parizad says:

    Hiya Wes! Send out a bunch of resumes. You'll get something soon. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you!

    (Pselae ntoe: Trhee wlil be a lot of tpoys uintl you fnid a job, so get bsuy!

  • Hegeisthai says:

    Wess; things are looking up, your nemesis Scummy is no more, and is now Hegeisthai, untill a better name metamorphosis. I had to do it the gentle people were freaking out on scummy.

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