Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
April 22, 2005
Short stories on Scary-Crayon???
Category: Fiction? … SC Updates

''Two Minutes on the Metro''

Yep! Fiction comes to Scary-Crayon with "Two Minutes on the Metro", a short piece I wrote like over a year ago and wanted to do something with. So give it a read and let me know what you think! :mrgreen:

Fun fact: The images used to add a bit of color to the visual presentation are actually photos of the TMNT Sewer Lair playset (in which Donatello utilizes an abandoned subway car for his workshop), with various filters applied to them in my graphics editor. Keen!

So yeah, enjoy the story! Leave comments, send e-mails. Aaaand... ja!

-posted by Wes | 11:18 pm | Comments (5)
Here's a tip...
Category: Linkage

If you ever eat cheese puffs from a bowl, be sure to wash that bowl thoroughly before using it for cereal. I didn't, and right now I taste cheese puffs in my milk. It's weird.

Expect to see that combination again in a Scary-Crayon Random Lunch someday.

Oh, and here's a link from Skeletoncrew that was too hilarious not to pass on -- It's not work safe, but it sure is funny!

-posted by Wes | 1:32 am | Comments (3)
April 21, 2005
Stuff, Notes from the past, Non-standard beauty.
Category: Miscellany

Well, given that I haven't heard anything about the other two jobs and they're willing to reinstate me at my old salary back at the community college, it looks like I'm going to take that position after all. Which means, since they apparently want me to start on Monday, I couldn't even be unemployed for more than a single week! GRRR. On the plus side, I did get some drawing done today, illustrating no less than five Hot Flashes (no scanning/coloring yet, though) and drawing the primary background for MY FIRST ILLUSTRATED BOOK! It's going to be hilarious. Promise. 😎

Okay, new topic. You know what I really like? Hearing from people I haven't heard from in a while -- especially when I didn't think I'd ever hear from those people again. (more...)

-posted by Wes | 8:41 pm | Comments (0)
Another Scary-Crayon update!
Category: SC Updates

''Hamato Yoshi''

Another ongoing Scary-Crayon featurette debuts with Crayon Song Parody #1. In this first installment, I rewrite the lyrics to The Beatles' classic song "Eleanor Rigby" to make it about... well, something else. And then, to make matters worse, I actually sing the bloody song a cappella -- yes, my version is available for download in mp3 format -- so those of you with iPods now have something new to listen to as you skip down the streets. Fair warning, though: it's a safe bet that I won't be winning American Idol anytime soon. 😉 Also, on the page, there are various links here and there to other more/less related SC articles, so those of you who aren't too familiar with the site can use that page as a hub to check out some of the pieces you may have missed. Enjoy!

In other news, I stopped into Jo-Ann's Fabrics with my mother today. One of the employees was rather attractive -- a tallish, thin redheaded girl with twinkling eyes and an innocent smile -- and upon noticing the tagline on her nametag I couldn't help but laugh. It read, "We inspire creativity!" Think about it for a moment. 😛 (more...)

-posted by Wes | 12:32 am | Comments (5)
April 19, 2005
ebay bidding tips and job updates.
Category: Miscellany

Today, Omni of Every Topic in the Universe(s?) wrote a post entitled "How to bid on eBay". It's mostly good advice -- especially point #4. I'd also expand that advice to include "Buy It Now" auctions -- even if there's a chance that one could save a dollar or two by winning a competitive auction, it's a lot easier to just pay the set price and get it over with than bidding and possibly bidding again and then waiting for the auction to end.

And now for my disagreements and additions... (more...)

-posted by Wes | 6:48 pm | Comments (9)