Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
June 30, 2005
I'm alive; Scary-Crayon updated.
Category: Art … SC Updates

Hey all. Sorry if anyone was worried -- I've just been pretty busy and exhausted and stuff these past few days. Hopefully the upcoming three day weekend will give me a chance to recuperate. But for those of you who were actually concerned, thanks. Here's a random drawing for your trouble:

He's baaaaack...

So, what's new? Well, the Scary-Crayon blog isn't up yet (maybe this weekend?), but the site's been updated with Dusty Plastic HELL: Hot Flash #45. It's based on recent events happening down in Florida! See, I read more than just the horoscopes and Pearls Before Swine in the newspaper on occasion.

Speaking of newspapers, a couple of the local ones around here started printing a game called Sudoku, which I'm not going to explain but which you could probably find out about from a simple google search. Apparently it's all the rage, but I don't get why folks are so excited. Yeah, it's more fun and accessible than crossword puzzles, but it's way simple! I guess it's a neat little thing to do in the morning while one sips one's morning coffee and shovels soggy corn flakes into one's mouth (not me, though; I don't have time for that in the mornings, but I'll probably start doing the puzzles when I get into the office in the morning), but I'm not dancing in the streets or writing in to praise the game and I wouldn't cry if they took it away.

It's fucking late and I should probably get some sleep.

-posted by Wes | 3:26 am | Comments (10)
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