Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
May 20, 2009
Bacardi is silly
Category: Photo

Yes, I see you too.

You're supposed to be on top of the pillow, little dude! 😛

-posted by Wes | 2:18 am | Comments (4)
May 12, 2009
Inspired by the letters S and M
Category: Art

You solved the jack-in-the-box... HE CAME!

Have you ever seen anything more beautiful in your life?

In other news, you should now be able to receive e-mails when someone replies to your comments, if you so choose! Aaand with that update, I should be done with the comment functionality tweaks for a while. 🙂

-posted by Wes | 11:10 pm | Comments (14)
May 9, 2009
Now with threaded comments...
Category: Miscellany

...assuming I've got everything working more/less correctly, anyway! Since the old comment design with the dashed separators didn't look so great with the restricted space of the threaded comments, I've modified the comments layout such that they now appear in boxes. Fun! I also enabled gravatars, so if you have one of those it should show up next to your name. Mine is all scary like. 🙂

In other news, last week I completed the classroom portion of my driver's education! I still plan to write about the class in the near future, since I found several things about it to be kind of interesting. Not much to report about my actual experiences behind the wheel (three so far) yet, but I haven't hit any pedestrians or parked cars thus far. Hurray...!

So yes, more to come. And feel free to test out the threaded comments!

-posted by Wes | 6:00 pm | Comments (8)