Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
October 13, 2004
A random post with quizzes.
Category: Meme

(Pssst... he's not fucking into you.) (more...)

-posted by Wes | 10:04 am | Comments (0)
October 12, 2004
Scary-Crayon updated!
Category: SC Updates

NEW ARTICLE!!! As promised, Scary-Crayon presents... He's Not Fucking Into You. Also, as noted in the Site Talk block (which has also been updated), this article is more/less what the updated layout will look like, so enjoy and get used to it. Whenever I get around to updating the main and archive pages, you'll have it to look at, along with a few more hand-drawn pieces for decoration and whatnot. I'm really pleased with how it's turning out.

Anyway, I hope y'all enjoy the new article -- especially you ladies out there. Comment or send an e-mail and let me know what you think of the advice therein! It's better than any of Oprah's bullshit, that's for sure.

Ja ne, minna-san!

-posted by Wes | 9:57 pm | Comments (0)
Grrr... Freaknerds. X_X;;;
Category: Miscellany

Only about an hour left before I skip out of here and embark on the long journey back via public transportation! Hurrah!

SO. Freaknerds. I figure the term is new to many of you out there, so I'll explain. Obviously, the term is a combination of the words "freak" and "nerd" -- and it's tempting to call them simply one or the other. They are very much like nerds of the Revenge of the Nerds variety -- loud, obnoxious, always cracking jokes in reference to something nerdy and never ever shutting up. That latter one is probably the main thing that keeps me out of their ranks, other than the fact that I actually put a modicum of effort into my appearance (and shower regularly). I hear their conversations loud and clear from my desk, and I get many of their references (including many of the Star Wars and Star Trek ones, though I'm not familiar with either franchise in a primary sense). But I'm not always talking. (more...)

-posted by Wes | 3:43 pm | Comments (0)
Scary-Crayon received a donation! And reset the work clock.
Category: SC Updates

First off, thanks to Stefan for donating to the Scary-Crayon cause! I really appreciate the support, especially with the site being about to exceed its bandwidth for the billing period yet again. That TMNT anime review sure is popular. (more...)

-posted by Wes | 8:56 am | Comments (0)
October 8, 2004
Scary-Crayon updated!
Category: SC Updates

Yep! Again, two short pieces as opposed to full articles, but hopefully I'll have time to sit down and work on something this weekend. So first up, we've got Crayon Poetry Corner #7, entitled "Filthy Camels". This is a phenomenon I've noticed quite a bit while waiting for the bus -- at the Metro station, no less -- and it makes me fucking mad every time I see it. And am I the only one who thinks the camel looks like Bill Cosby? I guess it spits pudding. And then we've got a new installment of Dusty Plastic HELL: Hot Flash, this one dedicated to the memory of Rodney Dangerfield, who passed away on Tuesday. This one's for you, Rodney.

That's all I've got for now. I anticipate blogging from work, so stay tuned!

-posted by Wes | 12:23 am | Comments (0)