Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
October 6, 2004
What's your political compass?
Category: Meme … Serious

Greetings, readers, and welcome to a largely political Blog of Wes entry from work! But first, thanks to all who commented and e-mailed with birthday wishes. This one wasn't so great, but there's always next year... assuming the terrorists don't blow us all to Kingdom Come by then. Wonder Woman sure looks good in that bronze eagle armor, though. And now, on to our topics. (more...)

-posted by Wes | 11:52 am | Comments (0)
October 4, 2004
Happy birthday to me.
Category: Miscellany

So as those of you who checked out the Site Talk block on Scary-Crayon's main page already know, I turned twenty-three today. Rah. Not a lot happened. I went to work, came back here and messed around with graphics for SC's layout update for a few hours (alas, it looks like I may end up scrapping most of the work I did tonight and go a different route instead). Soon I'll go to bed, since I'd like to get more than the three hours of sleep I got last night. I didn't do anything fun, I didn't hang out with any friends (because I don't have any), and I certainly didn't get anything noteworthy as far as presents go (presents? from where would they come?) because nobody really gives a shit about me or my birthday. Yep. (more...)

-posted by Wes | 11:59 pm | Comments (0)
Scary-Crayon updated!
Category: SC Updates

Another quickie: Dusty Plastic HELL: Hot Flash #2. Hopefully more substantial updates are on the way.

Maybe I'll get a minute to sit down and post the week-in-review from work, but here's a preview of what you've got to look forward to: On Saturday night, someone telephoned the bookstore and threatened to shoot our manager after the store closed. Yep. Stay tuned for the details.

Anyway, I've gotta get to bed now so I can have at least three hours of sleep. Ugh. Ja.

-posted by Wes | 1:49 am | Comments (0)
October 1, 2004
Live from work! The debate rages on...
Category: Miscellany

Hello, readers! And welcome to my first post from the office. I don't anticipate doing too many of these, namely because writing blog entries on the clock really feels like slacking off to me, even though I'm not shirking any duties while doing so, as I stop typing to do my duties when the phone rings or someone needs me to help him/her with something in the office. Still, the interruptions are slightly annoying. Also, I dislike these computers. I know, for instance, that they must have better specs than ol' Sasquatch (my PII 400 mHz machine at the house, so named because the primary hard drive is a Quantum Bigfoot), and yet they still manage to run significantly more slowly than my longtime companion. (more...)

-posted by Wes | 3:42 pm | Comments (0)