Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
October 12, 2004
Scary-Crayon received a donation! And reset the work clock.
Category: SC Updates

First off, thanks to Stefan for donating to the Scary-Crayon cause! I really appreciate the support, especially with the site being about to exceed its bandwidth for the billing period yet again. That TMNT anime review sure is popular.

So after seventeen straight days of working, I finally got a day off yesterday. Not because I said, "Y'know what, self? You need a fucking break," and took the day off, not because I screamed, "I'M SICK AND TIRED OF DEALING WITH YOU FUCKING FREAKS!!!" (I could say that for either job) and quit on the spot, but because the buses were running on a weekend schedule for Columbus Day. The bus I take doesn't run on weekends, so I was out of luck. The day off was great, though. I slept late, gave myself a much-needed haircut, and picked up a couple of DVDs -- The Texas Chain Saw Massacre and Lemora: A Child's Tale of the Supernatural. Oh, and I wrote most of a new SC article -- as opposed to a short -- so I should have that up sometime this evening. It promises to be humorous for all parties involved, but it's required reading for all of you ladies out there. The title? He's Not Fucking Into You. So yeah, stay tuned for that.

I've barely been in this office for an hour and already these freaks are driving me fucking crazy. I'm here until 4 PM, so unless something comes up and they actually give me some work to do, I'll be back later to blog about them. Holy shit, I wish they'd just shut up. STAPLER + FREAKNERDLIPS = PEACE.

Ja for now.

-posted by Wes | 8:56 am | Comments (0)
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