Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
October 16, 2004
SC layout preview and DeviantArt page!
Category: Art … SC Updates

Yep -- the new Scary-Crayon layout (more/less; I'm not finished with it) can be glimpsed here, so check it out and tell me what you think. Those links beneath the header will be graphics in the final version, and the Section Archives block, of course, will be absent from the sidebar, but other than those (and the fact that not all of the section archive links work; note the strikethroughs) this should give you a pretty good idea of what the final page will look like. Oh, and of course the current text graphics will be replaced with ones that better fit the color scheme. Main concerns are that the iframe works -- let me know if it doesn't for you -- and the large amount of white purple space that appears when the article content block is largely uneven in height with the sidebar blocks (see the Print Reviews and A Crayon Haiku test pages for examples of how that looks both ways). So long as I keep posting to different sections, eventually every page would have the problem that the Crayon Haiku page has, which bothers me. I suppose I could post artwork there to fill in the gap(s), but with the uneven nature of that from page to page, not to mention that those lengths will keep changing as I post... it's troubling. Plus that gap will only get larger when I remove the Site Talk block and start up the SC blog. So I dunno.

And I got my DeviantArt page started up with six deviations uploaded. I don't think you've seen the Quick 'n' Quirky Don and Leo pics yet (I don't recall posting them over here), so feel free to pop over there and have a look. 🙂

And now I must sleep so I can wake up to return to the bookstore. Nighty-night.

-posted by Wes | 4:10 am | Comments (0)
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