Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
October 11, 2005
Why the hell am I still awake?
Category: Art

Because time flies when you start messing around with images, that's why! I think I've been at this for the past five hours or so. See, I hadn't really touched my digicam since I got back from that last trip to NYC about a month ago, and I've been wanting to try to create line art out of photographs for a while (partly so I can do things like that stupid blue people show on Adult Swim), so when I finally got around to uploading those photos to the PC yesterday I decided to have a go of it. Of course, the vast majority of the tutorials on the web focus on Photoshop (which I don't have), so I had to kind of come up with my own bootleg method derived from the techniques mentioned there but utilizing the different tools that my program has to offer. Wheee.

Wes with glasses. And what's that in the background?

Fun! Anyway, I'm gonna sleep now, but you can check out my various trials (all on the same image, the original of which I conveniently do not supply for comparison -- but if you really must see it, Becky and Sarah posted the original (well, the original as recorded by their cameras -- same pose) a while back. Because they are in the picture! As are Lori and Joel. Some of these pics are colored! Some are not. And there are lots of them! Hence the cut.

Crew A

Crew B

Crew C

Crew D

Crew E

Crew F

Crew G

Crew H

Crew I

I think the latter two are my favorites, mostly because I used an entirely different (and much easier to remember, because it involves far fewer steps) method to create them. (The topmost pic of me with glasses utilizes the same technique.) Hell, I don't even remember how I made the others -- which is as good a sign as any that I've been sitting here screwing with these things for far too long! So I will sleep now. Ja ne. @_@

-posted by Wes | 6:22 am | Comments (8)
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