Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
September 24, 2004
Scary-Crayon updated! and Neo Deep Dive Batman!
Category: Art … SC Updates

YEP! I'm about ready to pass out, but I couldn't crash before finishing Leatherhead and Don's Netiquette Special!!! It's more of a rant on my part than anything else, with Super Don and Leatherhead as mouthpieces (though there is some "witty" banter in there, because there always is), but hopefully it'll open a few eyes or something. And I'm trying a new image referral script out, so if you notice any cow anuses popping up around the site, shoot me an e-mail and I'll try to fix it. It should only show up for foreign referrals, but then again I don't exactly know what I'm doing here... Anyway, hope you enjoy the piece.


Aaaaand I drew another Batman. This one's inspired by Deep Dive Batman of the Batman Returns Kenner line (I really loved that figure), though it looks more like the Aqua Attack Batman of the new line in many stylistic respects. And I dunno why all of the water lovin' Batmen have had yellow in their outfits, but that seems to be the trend. For some reason yellow Batmen always looked cool to me, but I think they took it a little too far with Aqua Attack Batman. Even his mask is yellow. Not cool.


Anyway, there's the full picture, sans background. Ja.

-posted by Wes | 8:51 am | Comments (0)
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