Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
September 22, 2004
the BATMAN... and more!
Category: Art

Hello furenzu! No Scary-Crayon updates today (either tomorrow or Friday, I'm thinking, and not the Hellraiser piece, but another one I need to photograph, and thanks, Dave, for your question -- I intend to answer it in the article itself, in the analytical musings that follow the description of the dream!), but I do have some drawings to share. Also, I got a call yesterday about a month-long temp job at the county community college, which I've accepted, but I have yet to be called back and told about the specifics of it. Suffice it to say that since I'm still going to be working part-time at the bookstore (a few closing shifts a week), I'll be pretty busy for the next month or so. Hopefully I'll still have time to update SC at least once a week, even if it's short pieces like installments of Crayon Poetry Corner and A Crayon Haiku. Or dream things. I don't imagine that piece will be terribly long either. Long enough, though.

So, drawings! This first one should appeal to Bob, Chris, and De (and hopefully others), so do let me know what you think, guys. It's...


the BATMAN!!!

Yep. I knocked this one off last night -- another quickie -- but I'm really pleased with how it turned out. It's mostly inspired by the new show, which I kinda like (though it reminds me more of "Totally Spies" than the Batman I know and love), but I wasn't looking at anything at the time and admittedly I kept having flashes of Viewtiful Joe as I drew it. Oh, and click on the image for a slightly larger version of the same pic. 🙂


So Batman was really the star of the post, but here's another picture I worked on last night -- it's Angel! I actually drew this picture years ago (like way back in 2001...?), when I was toying with the idea of drawing a Buffy/Angel fan comic (Demitri of Darkstalkers fame cast in the role of the big bad) and posting it on the web. It wouldn't have been anything big -- maybe 6-10 pages with 4-6 panels each, and mostly drawings of them standing around spewing campy dialogue at each other -- but eventually I decided I was too lazy to even go through with that. Anyway, this was more/less "concept" art for my rendition of Angel, which explains why it's not finished. I found it recently and decided that I might as well ink and color it, since I wasn't doing anything else with it... so that's what I did last night. Hope you enjoy it. 🙂

Suuuupa Leonardo!!!

And this isn't a drawing, but the Super Leo I won on eBay this weekend arrived today. Yay! So now I owe someone some very positive feedback. 🙂

And that's all for now. Please, comment, tell me what you think of the pictures! Ja for now. 🙂

-posted by Wes | 6:41 pm | Comments (0)
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