Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
August 23, 2004
Scary-Crayon Updated!
Category: Art … SC Updates

ENTER THE CACTUS! At long last, Scary-Crayon reviews Naked Blood. Not sure if I'd recommend viewing at work, but there is a nice handy-dandy warning included in the article (for comedic effect, mostly, but it works as a legitimate warning too) right before the gruesome defining scene of the film, so theoretically you could read up to that point and then save the rest for home perusal. Or you could take a chance! Up to you. 🙂

In other news, today ends my five day "vacation" from the bookstore, as I'm scheduled to close tonight. Ugh. If I get around to posting tonight, I'll tell you about that employee I'm really starting to hate... in addition to whatever other stories I've got about the day. I've been saving a lot of the encounters for potential fiction pieces (like the tale of the fifty-year-old male customer wearing pink panties...), but we'll see if I've got anything to share with the masses. I'm also planning a big illustrated SC piece (like, a month or more down the road; not immediately) that details the various types of customers, though I may try and turn that into another addition to that illustrated "children's" book I'm planning to write. We'll see.

And hey, speaking of illustrations, I did get some drawing done during my break, so that's good. In addition to last time's T-Rex, the CATS WITH HANDS, and a couple of drawings for Medicant Downline, I also completed a picture of Slash, the evil turtle from Dimension X! He wasn't quite so evil in the comics, but he was a fucking sonuvaBITCH in TMNT IV on SNES. Made Shredder look like a candy-ass.

Slash, the evil turtle from Dimension X!

So yeah, I think it turned out pretty well! I also used the alternate coloring method of inking the shading lines on hard copy of the drawing and fooling with them afterwards on the PC, so I'm definitely warming up to it. Sure makes things a lot quicker. So yeah, I'll probably try another Slash soon for kicks, and maybe some other Turtles with these funny-looking round heads. I really like this pic. 🙂

Unfortunately, save the Scary-Crayon and blog content (and some e-mail ketchup), I didn't get any writing done during my break, so I'm a little upset about that. But that won't solve anything, right? Oh well. I did polish and send off another fiction submission last night -- a story I wrote maybe a month ago? to the Fortean Bureau -- so I guess that's something. And speaking of submissions, it's been over eight weeks since I sent off those other two stories, so those rejections should be here any day now...

Oh, and I have a new/slightly updated version of my resume up here, so feel free to glance at it and mention any buddies that might find it interesting... especially folks in the NYC area. (And if you do, thanks! ^__^) I've begun to look over the NYTimes and Craigslist postings, so hopefully I'll be able to schedule a few interviews or something for that week that I'm in town. Fingers crossed. 🙂

Alrighty, that's all for now. Hope you enjoy that review of Naked Blood. Ja.

-posted by Wes | 5:41 am | Comments (0)
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