Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
August 18, 2005
Meh. And aren't we all dressed-up?
Category: Miscellany

Feeling pretty shitty tonight. Why must I be right about everything? It would be nice to be wrong sometimes, especially with respect to my life, future, relationships, and so forth. Sigh.

So as you'll see in a moment, I didn't get around to cutting my hair after all. I decided to try and squeeze in a single hour of sleep, and when I woke from that I was going to cut my hair... until I reasoned that doing so with so little sleep would probably have been a bad idea, decided against it, and slept for a little longer. As far as the "interview" itself goes, it was over far too quickly -- I was back on the street within a half hour -- which may not be a good sign. But besides that, I think it went well! Of course, I almost always think my interviews go well, but, with the exception of retail jobs, I've never been offered a position for which I interviewed. In fact, during the undergrad admissions process way back in the final years of the 20th century, I went on an interview for only one of the five schools to which I applied -- Princeton. Guess which school was the only one I didn't get into? Princeton. Maybe I come across as an asshole in person -- which would explain why nobody particularly enjoys my company.

Wes in a suit!With the jacket buttoned.

And here go those pics of me in a suit, as promised -- I didn't get around to taking them before I left, so I took a few when I got back. See that smile? I'm the world's best actor. By the way, if I'm right -- and I think I am -- that is the same suit that I'm shown wearing here, twelve years ago. Think about that for a moment. And goodnight!

-posted by Wes | 2:55 am | Comments (2)
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