Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
June 27, 2004
Scary-Crayon Updated!
Category: Art … SC Updates

Yep. Two new pieces for today. First, "Joan of Arc", a new installment of Crayon Poetry Corner from contributor Jax! Welcome to the SC family, Jax. 🙂 And speaking of family, in the other piece, A Crayon Haiku Farewell, SC says goodbye to the noble Duncan MacPhish. Rest in peace, little guy.

Oh, and I wrote up another blurb in the Site Talk block on the main page, so if it's not too much of a strain on your eyes hop over there and read what I had to say. But to paraphrase, I have decided that SC should have a blog! Mainly because that Site Talk block is too small and because there are things that don't warrant full articles but that I could write maybe a paragraph about. So that could be cool. But in the meantime I've added a graphic link to the blog over here, so people can pop over and read about SC stuff if they want. Or just about my daily exploits. Here's the image.

Blog of Wes

Fun, eh? Anyway, when the SC blog comes up, this one will remain more/less unchanged, but the other one will be more SC-centric (imagine this blog with only Scary-Crayon Updated! entries and maybe the occasional food image). So if you like reading this one, don't worry. 🙂

Aaaand I drew a new picture! Here it is:

Fatty Whale!

It's Fatty Whale! Apparently he's from one of the Kirby games. I drew him for the Hazard Labs Omnidex (that particular entry is here). So yeah, more drawings! I also drew one of my original characters, so look for that in the near future. For now, Ja!

-posted by Wes | 12:44 pm | Comments (0)
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