Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
June 25, 2004
Thanks, Mickey and Sydney! And visual champru!
Category: Art

So it looks like Scary-Crayon's fifteen minutes of fame are almost up, with the site only pulling in 1794 unique visitors yesterday and raking in just under 800 MB of traffic. With the exception of the net ads piece, which was viewed 1400 times, page views are just about back to normal. Admittedly, with me footing all bandwidth costs until July 17, the thought of a decrease in traffic isn't entirely unappealing, but I will miss the popularity of SC (even though it didn't get us any donations and only a couple of people e-mailed me about the site). Hey, I guess I can always look back and remember that seven day stretch during which SC pulled in over 20,000 unique visitors, eh? Not bad for our humble little page. 🙂

On to the topic of this post. Champru is an Okinawan dish comprised of a lot of different things -- the word means, I think, something along the lines of "a blend or mix of ingredients" (feel free to tell us more about it if you're reading, Brent ^_^;) -- so by "visual champru" I mean that this post will contain a mix of various images. And when I thank Mickey, I'm thanking her because...


...she sent Scary-Crayon (and me) a package! The shisaa wasn't inside, but he's there for comparative purposes. He's also there because everybody loves a shisaa, so don't act like you don't. Anyway, that's a big box! When it arrived, I thought to myself, "Whoa, there's room for at least three human heads in there... I wonder if there are three human heads in there?" Not sure what I'd do with three human heads, but I'm thinking one of them could be useful for an SC Foodstuffs piece... Anyway, there were no human heads inside, but there was a Phoney Bone shirt!

Phoney Bone seems upset.

I didn't shoot the whole shirt, but that's the logo. Anyway, there were a few other things inside there too, including a mix CD full of songs from bands I've never heard of (with the exception of Badly Drawn Boy). So that should be fun to listen to. And if you're a regular reader of Mickey's (or read some of the comments here; I don't remember if she mentioned the main draw in our section) you know what else was inside, but if you forgot or never knew you'll have to wait until I do the Crayon Haiku involving it. I'm thinking it'll be the haiku after the next one, since for the next one I want to give Duncan a SC farewell. By the way, his image rests on the sidebar above the archives links. If you haven't noticed. I'll probably draw him one of these days, too. Ah, Duncan MacPhish.


And there's that shisaa again! Because everyone loves shisaas. Except in this house, apparently, since we've neglected to dust this poor critter. :/

Shirtless Wes, South Park style! Courtesy of Sydney. :)

And now, courtesy of the talented Sydney, it's shirtless Wes, South Park style! I really like the background on this one. She's got the crayons back there and, on the left, what could either be octopus tentacles or lifesavers mints WITH NO HOLES -- either way, it's pretty scary stuff. And then down in the lower righthand corner she's got my pal grey bootleg E.T., who's been with me a very long time. One day I'm going to find something with which to stuff his neck, so his head actually stands up. Then maybe he won't always seem so sad. :/ <3 for E.T. And for Sydney! Thanks a lot! You're awesome with the graphics. 🙂

The original South Park Wes.

Aaaand for good measure, the old South Park Wes I did a while back. I can't remember the URL to the place where I made it, but it's somewhere in the archives if you feel like searching. I don't. But if you do, knock yourself out. 😛


So we touched on Azumanga Daioh about a week ago, but as I was watching an episode tonight I came across one of Osaka's hilarious musings that I just had to share. This really is great stuff, folks -- definitely worth owning. 😀

''There's a red-nosed reindeer.''

"There's a red-nosed reindeer."

''Your shining nose is useful in the fog...''

"Your shining nose is useful in the fog..."

''The way he said it doesn't help at all.''

"The way he said it doesn't help at all."

''If you tell a bald man his head is useful in the dark, you'd get punched in the face.''

"If you tell a bald man his head is useful in
the dark, you'd get punched in the face."

''Santa Claus says such cruel things.''

"Santa Claus says such cruel things."

Is it any wonder that Osaka's my favorite? ^______________^

And finally, coming off of the excitement of illustrating the Pan article for the last SC update, I drew a new picture and colored it. Granted, I still haven't finished the other Terra picture I started sketching, but since this one was done in a much simpler (and more kawaii! ^o^) style I was able to get it out of the way pretty quickly. I debated coloring it in the quick style that I used in the Pan article drawings, but opted to go for the slightly more sophisticated two-color shading that I use for most of my pics. So heeeere's TERRA!


If you're interested, click the picture to see a slightly larger version with the familiar black background and yellow outline. So whaddya think? I'm really pleased with how Terra turned out. I may not be able to sell a story for the world, but with these recent drawings and the current story in the mix (which seems kinda good, so far, but let's see if I finish it...) I'm starting to feel like an artist again.

Oh, and speaking of stories, assuming I get up in time to print out those stories, write up some quick cover letters (or modify my existing ones), and address those envelopes, I'll be sending two more out tomorrow, so wish me luck with that. Anyway, that about does it for this post. Leave comments! There's lotsa stuff to say about this post, so go to it. And thanks again for the presents, Mickey! They are much appreciated.

Ja for now, minna-san!

-posted by Wes | 1:53 am | Comments (0)
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