Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
June 23, 2005
Batman returns!
Category: Art

The Batman, GO!

So I actually drew (and posted) these a while ago on the old Blog of Wes, but with the new Batman film in theaters and me having (hopefully) gained some new readers since last September, I figured I'd post these drawings again. (Click the above pic to open a larger version in a new window.) Obviously, their look more/less takes after the style of the newest Batman animated series, but they're Batman! Everyone likes the Dark Knight. 🙂

Inspired by the Batman Returns: Deep Dive Batman action figure.

And now I'm off to bed. Ja ne, minna-san!

-posted by Wes | 11:15 pm | Comments (4)
  • Josh says:

    Have you seen the new batman movie?
    I thought it was good.

  • Wes says:

    Nope, still haven't seen the new film yet! Who knows if/when I'll get around to it.

  • Becky says:

    Cool Wes! How do you create those -- or which program do you use?

  • Wes says:

    Well, first I draw 'em by hand with markers of varying lengths (or not, depending on how detailed I want them to be ;)), making sure to mark off the shaded areas in pen if I intend to shade the picture. Then I scan the drawing, fire up Paint Shop Pro, and (where applicable) convert the shading lines to a neon blue, touching up the otherwise black-and-white pic as necessary along the way. Like sometimes I'll have an errant line or something will irritate me about a pic -- like a leg being a little too long -- and I'll correct it in the program.

    Then I just apply flood fills to the requisite areas of the picture to color it in, and voila! When I add backgrounds, I usually take them from video games starring the character on display -- I screencap the scenes with an emulator program and, after blowing up the images as necessary, place them in the background of the layered image in which my character drawing is the foreground. And then sometimes I'll add a glow effect to the character or blur the background, as seen above. 🙂

Reply to Becky!