Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
June 8, 2005
The mistrust-affection connection.
Category: Serious

Looking inward and examining certain correlations regarding both my feelings and opinions of people I've known, I've discovered something rather curious: it seems that the amout of mistrust I harbor for a person increases in proportion to the intensity of my affection for that person. This rarely holds for my long-distance/online relationships with people -- as much as I like some of my online acquaintances, the kind of passion of which I speak here is, I think, usually reserved for relationships in which a certain physical proximity (or at least the potential for it) exists (or existed) -- but this relationship between affection and mistrust has held true on several occasions in my past.

What's interesting is that these instances don't seem to obtain before my freshman year at college, which puts me in mind of something else I stumbled across the other night in reading up on suicide -- that apparently I exhibit many of the symptoms of those suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Granted, most perfectly healthy people probably exhibit many of those signs as well, but it's something to think about. Anyway, here's my explanation for the mistrust-affection connection: The more intense my feelings for a person, the more I stand to lose if and when that person betrays me (usually by abandoning me in some significant respect) -- therefore, I protect myself by preparing for that inevitable occurrence, awaiting and expecting it. But since I could not anticipate such a break if I truly trusted the person (and thus left myself vulerable), my distrust of the person must increase relative to my feelings for the person -- the stronger the affection, the stronger the shield of mistrust must be to deflect the anticipated spear of betrayal.

And since one cannot mistrust someone without somehow thinking ill of that person, a paradox arises: why should I feel so intensely for someone whom I regard in such a low light? Moreover, do those low qualities that I imagine a person possesses in order to justify my mistrust actually serve to increase my passion for that person? Am I drawn to cruelty, excessive pride, racist attitudes, the tendency to think oneself superior to one's peers, the drive to excel at all costs, even if it means turning one's back on those who care most about a person? And if so, what does that say about me? Hmmm.

-posted by Wes | 12:05 am | Comments (5)
  • Becky says:

    This is a really interesting post, Wes. I know several friends like you, and I have to admit that the fairy tale-r in me kind of says the same thing in that your feelings like that are attributing to a self-fulfilling prophecy. Unfortuantely, the person on the other side will feel those walls, and will get tired of trying or feel offended that you hold them in that regard and with those expectations. I have to admit that reading this post, along with many of your comments on TAB's site now make more sense. I guess I've gotten around it b/c the potential benefit outweighs the potential rejection... at least for me.

  • Wes says:

    Becky: Which comments were those?

    And it's not as if I'm entirely without reason for the feelings of mistrust and betrayal. One thing that bothers me about these people -- some more so than others, depending upon how close we are (or I perceive us to be, or wish that we were) -- is that there's usually some life-changing development in their lives that's been a long time in the making, but that I find out about suddenly. Frex, with the one going to Yale grad in the fall, I never knew that she was even interested in going to grad school, let alone that she took the GRE and applied last year, and suddenly I'm hearing about her getting accepted (and from other people). These are things that I would mention! These are important!

    Moreover, if I thought they were good and worthy things to do (going to grad school; pursuing advanced degrees), I would certainly discuss my plans with others and maybe encourage them to do so as well -- "Say, man, your life doesn't seem to be going anywhere right now and you don't seem to be doing too well... have you thought about grad school? I mean, I'm sure you've considered it, but..." and then I might offer to share resources or something. At the very least, I might've already had a GRE score on file if someone had had that kind of a talk with me. But it really galls me when people come to me when they need favors -- favors that oftentimes draw upon my intelligence! -- and yet don't deign to discuss their academic futures with me, as if I'm not smart enough to take part in that kind of dialogue.

    And suddenly they're leaving -- "Good-bye and good riddance; I'm off to pursue my doctorate!" It does seem like they don't think very highly of me, then, and that to a certain extent my suspicions are justified.

  • Becky says:

    I see. Almost seems like you're referring to more platonic situations than the romantic? The comments I was referring to were those about you not dating, that you don't, etc.

  • Wes says:

    Ah, right. And while I am referring to more/less platonic situations, the intensity of feeling I mention here is, admittedly, indicative of a certain romantic attachment on my part -- an irrational, unsupported romantic attachment, as in calmer moments I may want nothing to do with these people in that sense, and at times have found them to be decidedly unattractive (especially with respect to my opinion of them, as noted, unless I do find those baser qualities to be alluring), and yet for some reason I still seem to desire them on some level. But yes, the passion is comparable to a certain bestial lust -- perhaps arising as a consequence of the ever-widening and possibly insurmountable gulf of separation that grows between myself and the object of my attachment.

  • Becky says:

    You write like a philosopher, too. That was quite a challenge to read, on my never-ending drowsiness of jet lag. I will hopefully catch up tonight when I hit the hotel and a real bed all to myself....

Reply to Wes!