Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
May 17, 2005
Scary-Crayon does doggie treats!
Category: SC Updates

Behold: Pup Corn.

Indeed! Driven by my curiosity to know what about doggie treats drives canines crazy and my desire to sample a healthy, low fat, low calorie, peanut butter-flavored, packing peanut-textured morsel, I took it upon myself to taste test Pup Corn. The verdict? Read the article to find out!

Also, in A Crayon Haiku #30, we witness yet another example of poor advertising at work. Perhaps Wendy's meant to suggest the connection between hunger for food and hunger for... something else... that we briefly touched on in the previous entry? I dunno. 😛

Anyway, ENJOY! Ja ne, minna-san. :mrgreen:

-posted by Wes | 11:31 pm | Comments (6)
  • Becky says:

    Wes, I didn't actually have to try dog treats to know they taste like ass, but it was great to see your pics and reaction:) Nice Wendy's ad. It amazes me how they have Execs that let that stuff get published.

  • Lori says:

    Thanks Wes, I needed to laugh today and your dog-treat article did it. And pictures of your elusive, handsome self, too. What a Wednesday!

  • Liz says:

    Dog taste buds and human taste buds are different for a reason, I suppose. Who is Bear? Is he a doggie friend of Bacardi's? As for "Doing" a Wendy's triple cheeseburger: I too wonder where the ad executives are. McDonald's had people "pounding" a double cheeseburger a while ago, so it must be a trend.

    For some reason, Wes, I see you more as a cat person.

  • Tamara says:

    Nice tie.

  • Wes says:

    Becky: Well, I figured I wouldn't taste like salmon sashimi, but HOLY FUCK! Who knew anything could be that disgusting?!?! You wouldn't have liked it even if it had been great, though, with it's supposed peanut butter flavor!

    By the way, what do they think they're trying to pull by advertising it as being peanut butter-flavored? It's not like the dog can verify the taste of it, and seeing as how most people probably aren't going to be stupid enough to eat it themselves, WHO WOULD EVER KNOW IF IT REALLY TASTES LIKE PEANUT BUTTER?!?!? Just think -- it could taste like raw infant flesh and no one would be the wiser!

    Lori: Glad I could brighten your day a little. Unlike Pup Corn to my wilted tongue, laughter is most agreeable to the Crayon Monster's tastebuds!

    Liz: Bear is the dog of my sister's boyfriend -- so given the amount of time they spend together, he's almost like Bacardi's brother. And yeah, remember the McDonald's ads in which patrons would eye the sandwiches curiously while proclaiming, "I'd hit that"? And now they're going to have Paris Hilton advertising burgers, thus ensuring that people will think of her when presented with greasy fast food sandwiches? WHY DO THEY WANT US TO FUCK OUR FOOD?!? It's crazy!

    And no, I don't think I'm a cat person at all! Do they have better tasting food?

    Tamara: Thanks! We shot that one about an hour after my sister's graduation ceremony, so I was still dressed in my proud, supportive sibling costume. 😉

  • Liz says:

    I have yet to see kitty treats flavored with peanut butter. Chicken, turkey, tuna, and cheese are the usual cat snack flavors. Catnip too. Paris Hilton is plugging McDonald's now?! I think I'm going to be ill.

    I just figured cats are more suited to your nocturnal and introverted ways. Dogs are outgoing. Cats, less so. *shrug* Just a thought.

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