Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
April 29, 2005
Scary-Crayon keeps it comin'!
Category: SC Updates

Dusty Plastic HELL: Hot Flash #39 is now online. Enjoy!

And I swear I already had this finished and scheduled for tonight's posting, but it's interesting that it's fairly relevant to TAB's Wednesday blog entry, or at least certain parts of the discussion that followed in his comments section. Very interesting indeed!

And The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is opening this weekend, yes? I've got no desire to see it right off the bat -- I bought the book(s) back when I was still working at the bookstore, so I'd like to read them before watching it -- but I am kind of curious to see Mos Def in action. Oh, I know next to nothing about the guy, but people used to tell me fairly regularly that I looked just like him (!!!), and since I don't get the resemblance in the stills I've seen on the web I'd like to see if maybe certain mannerisms or twitches account for the apparent similarity. Or maybe people are just crazy.

Speaking of movies, I did get around to seeing Sin City last Sunday, but I'll write about that later. I also got to attend the better part of the tribute assembly for the Dean of College Life Services after all, about which I'll probably also post a few observations in the near future. And finally, I'm planning on doing something related to the "10 things I love about myself" meme that's making the blog rounds, so look for that too. And, of course, more Scary-Crayon content is always headed your way.

And that's all for now. Must get to bed -- I'm totally fagged out and have to be awake in like four hours. G'night, minna-san.

-posted by Wes | 12:51 am | Comments (15)
  • Josh says:

    I thought the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy was already coming to video or something haha. Sin City was awesome, no?
    After catching up with all those entries you did I've got to say something about the girl. I guess theres something positive you can look forward to when going to work? :]

  • Becky says:

    But, Wes, I guess the real question is: would you go out with her?

  • Wes says:

    Would I! Actually, you know, probably not. I mean, I enjoy talking to her here and there at work, and it would be pretty... neat... to squeeze her arms and hug her close, so if she were to approach me and ask me if I wanted to hang out somewhere or something I'd probably say, "Sure," but honestly the state in which I'm in now kinda precludes even the possibility of dating. Granted, there are a few people (okay, like one) whom I'd even give a serious go even in the midst of my present Hell, but they already know my sitch and would have a good idea of what they were getting themselves into. 😉

    Also, with the interesting co-worker with the accent and a perfect body, I really doubt it would work for one reason in particular, and while I'm usually more forgiving with foreigners regarding the point, eventually I think she'd irritate me beyond it. It's not something exclusive to her -- I've picked up this line of thinking from other foreigners (to say nothing of Americans) as well -- but in any case I'll address it in a later post.

    "Foreigners." Listen to me! @_@

  • T.A.B. says:

    Wes, you are self-defeating in terms of dating. I should know.

    I can't wait to read your post related to my blog comments.

  • Josh says:

    No one is going to be perfect!!

  • Wes says:

    TAB: Oh? How so?

  • T.A.B. says:

    I'm reading the sentences you just wrote:

    "honestly the state in which I?m in now kinda precludes even the possibility of dating"

    "I really doubt it would work for one reason in particular, and while I?m usually more forgiving with foreigners regarding the point, eventually I think she?d irritate me beyond it"

    You're afraid of dating her, and you're justifying not making the attempt. Rebuttal?

  • Wes says:

    I love it! Obviously I'm afraid of dating, since those can't actually be valid reasons. Let's go through a few fuller explanations, then!

    1. I don't live in NYC and we don't have the greatest transportation system around here and I don't drive. Kinda makes meeting up difficult, yes? In this case, she doesn't live next door or even in the same city.

    2. I live at home with my mother. Come in, won't you, dear? This is my room -- have a seat on my bed. You know, after you find your way through all of the piles of books and mountains of action figures and pull a Spider-Man maneuver just to get across the bloody threshold.

    3. We'll discuss this one later, because it would require its own separate post! However, it has much to do with some of the reasons listed here.

    4. There's still the awkward workplace thing!

    That's all for now. Ja!

  • pAUL says:

    HHGTTG is going to be the only movie ive ever seen where ive read the book before seeing the movie, And thats saying alot, because i think ive only read about 4 books my entire life. I liked the books tho and im not getting my hopes up but i hope the movie doesnt suck. I saw the old BBC movies or whatever, and they fucking suck. So now i feel intellectually superior to Wes.. for one weekend.

    And i'm not a fan of Mos Def's acting, or music (except for Black on Both Sides) so he better not fuck the movie up! And i probably look more like Mos Def than you Wes.

  • Wes says:

    Oh yeah, Pauly boy? Well I just finished reading No Exit and Three Other Plays by Jean-Paul Sartre yesterday and started in on The Glass Menagerie by Tennessee Williams this morning. BOOYAH!!! :mrgreen:

  • T.A.B. says:

    My rebuttal:

    1. Move. Or learn to drive and get a car.

    2. Move.

    3. I can't respond, since I don't know the reason.

    4. Get a new job.

  • Wes says:

    Okay, let's get this straight. First of all, to offer solutions to these problems is to acknowledge that they a) are problems and therefore b) constitute valid reasons for not dating. So the "being afraid" theory is out.

    Now, the other thing. Given that you're always complaining about it, do you really think dating is so great that, per #4, you would actually recommend that one quit his job in order to comfortably ask out one of his (now ex) co-workers (who, by the way, may not even be interested)? Or that you would recommend making a move that one is neither prepared nor can afford to make just because it would put one in a better position to date? Bloody hell!

    I am interested in moving -- you know that -- but I assure you that dating is the least of my reasons for wanting to do so. Because, aside from all of the other practical reasons, I'm really don't care that bloody much about it!

  • T.A.B. says:

    No, you should not get a new job so you can date. You should get a new job so you'd be happier. Job security and satisfaction takes priority over dating. If I lost my job, my dating life would go on hold. But, once you have a job you like, then you date (if you want to).

  • Greg says:

    Well, I can't say anything about dating, but I just got back from HHGTTG, and I don't know how to approach this. I'm gonna say read the book first, cause it's an awesome read, but then don't plan to laugh much during the movie, cause all the jokes you laugh at in the book you've already laughed at and are hardly worth laughing at again. Otherwise, it's a decent film.

  • CL says:

    >>No, you should not get a new job so you can date. You should get a new job so you?d be happier.

    Wow, Bob is becoming almost as wise as Dave! He even sounds like him!

Reply to Wes!