Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
March 23, 2004
A quiz, links, a drawing, AMCWTW, and the Flash...
Category: Art … Meme

From Amanda, who got it from Jenica (who's been added to the links, though I've taken the liberty of shortening her blog title -- I'd Rather Be A Mermaid Than A Flame -- for aesthetic reasons), a quiz.

6.25 %

My weblog owns 6.25 % of me.

Does your weblog own you?

I probably would've scored even lower had it not been for the question about whether you dream about meeting other people you only know from their blogs and the internet. I wouldn't say that I dream about it -- in that I fantasize about meeting them and give serious thought to what I would say if I ever happened upon them in person -- but I would like to meet most of the people whose blogs are linked in the sidebar. And I did have that dream about meeting Caren (read about it here, and whoa, has it been a month already?), so I answered yes. And while I'm at it, congrats to Caren regarding the rising success of her new book, and my thanks to her for the link. Anyway, there's another quiz window I can close.

I've also added Separation of State and Superstition to the links. I agree with very little of what "Ayn" writes there -- especially his/her assertion that Ayn Rand is the greatest philosopher of all time (given what I've read of her work, though I agree with some of it, I hesitate to call her a philosopher at all) -- but it is thoughtfully written and worthy of consideration. And I wouldn't go so far as to label all of religion as superstition, but I do agree that it should be kept out of state matters, for the most part. I shortened the title of that link too, 'cause my sidebar isn't very wide. 🙂

So I hope everyone who was going to guess got the chance to guess, because it's time for the unveiling of the mystery character from the drawing clip posted on Saturday. Click it again (below) to see the finished version of the character in full!

Who did Wes draw...?

Or I can just come right out and tell you that it's Leela from "Futurama". But click anyway, 'cause I think she turned out pretty well. 🙂 I've been enjoying doing these recent pics, since it's been so long since I sat down to draw anything, and I seem to be getting a little better with the inking of pictures and coloring them on the PC, or at least I'm finding a method that's working for me. Not that it's that difficult to do...

So yeah, obviously I've been watching "Futurama" lately and have fallen in love with Leela (not that it was hard, given that she's got Peg Bundy's voice -- I've always had a crush on Peg), but I won't be watching tonight, because I'm finally going to buckle down and write up a review of episode 2 of the TMNT anime. (See the review of ep. 1 here.) Probably won't finish it in one night, despite it only being a 22 minute cartoon -- I tend to do pretty lengthy summaries cum commentary, and I also have to take a lot of screencaps -- but even if I do you shouldn't expect it until Sunday or so. After all, the opening and closing themes have already been covered with the first review, so I'll need something to compensate for the lack of them in this one...I'm thinking maybe a quick review of the old Metal Shredder figure, since he actually appears in the show. And then sometime after that I need to review the Super Turtles figures, since I did win a handful of them on ebay and they've been anxious for their Scary-Crayon debut. But that'll have to wait.

Oh, and I watched Thelma and Louise this afternoon. Whoa man (ha-ha), that was a great film. And Geena Davis was awesome! But she was in Beetlejuice, so of course I'm soft on her. Anway. I only have one complaint, and it's not with the movie itself, but with the censors at the channel. Hello, your channel's called AMC -- which stands for American Movie Classics -- so why do you go screwing with classics and changing the dialogue? Do you think I won't notice that the lip-synching is off when characters exclaim, "Judas Priest!" and tell each other, "Go fry yourself"? Or when, as the women walk away from a would-be rapist, he shouts back, "I shoulda touched her"? For one, he certainly did touch her -- we saw that much -- and two, that his comment made Louise angry enough to shoot him seems a whole lot more suspect with the word "touched" in there. I mean we all know the word was "fucked", so what's the point? Argh. Classics, remember? Not Classics We Touched With. That would be AMCWTW. Ok?

Oh, and I have a question for The Anonymous Blogger. I was going to save it for later, or maybe send it by e-mail, but let's go with it now -- I was watching an episode of "Justice League" last night and the Flash mentioned something about needing to eat more often because of his super-fast metabolism. So does that mean that he shits a lot more often too? And if so, does that mean that the toilets in the Justice League HQ are often in need of maintenance/repair? I mean, even if the bowls in the HQ are made of some superstrong material (since I imagine the Flash's shit comes out fast enough to crack porcelain), clogging would still be a problem. And the Justice League HQ is up in space, right? So who takes care of all of the cleaning up there? I'm betting they make Hawkgirl do it, since she doesn't do much of anything else on the show. By the way, last night I saw her speak for the first time ever, and she and Green Lantern seemed kinda chummy. What's going on there, hm? K-I-S-S-I-N-G? Just thought you'd know.

And apparently I'm in just the right frame of mind to review the TMNT anime now, so let me get to that. Ja for now. 🙂

-posted by Wes | 11:14 pm | Comments (0)
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