Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
February 4, 2010
Name those... yeah... Part 2!

And here are the answers to last time's challenge!

The sprites in that old graphic came from...

TMNT: TF -- Leonardo's Stage
TMNT: TF -- Wingnut's Stage

The SNES version of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Tournament Fighters!

And the background was from...

TMNT: MM -- Ivory Smugglers, Mission 3

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Manhattan Missions!!!

Moving along, there's the matter of that ass...

Could it be?!
It is Kimberly!

...which belongs to Kimberly Hart -- aka the original Pink Ranger -- as played by Amy Jo Johnson. Who'd have thunk it? She always struck me as being somewhat slimmer than she appears in the challenge screencaps -- which come from Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie; the final screencap is from the earlier Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie (gotta love those titles, eh?) -- but perhaps she filled out a bit as a civilian.

Now you know -- and knowing is half the battle. 😉 Until next time!

-posted by Wes | 4:17 am | Comments (2)
  • Monty Prime says:

    Now you have me wanting to watch the first Power Rangers movie for the first time in, damn, nearly 15 years. I feel old now.

    If I die from the 90's shock, I'll tell my family to forgive you.

    • Wes says:

      More like from the beyond-belief awfulness of that movie! I remember seeing it as a kid and not being very impressed, but when I watched it again after finishing "Jungle Fury" I was flabbergasted at how horrible it was. Turbo, on the other hand, was quite a bit better -- it was like a fairly interesting B-fantasy film, but into which the Power Rangers had been dropped for some inexplicable reason.

      My apologies in advance for any suffering you endure while watching the antics of Ivan Ooze.

Reply to Monty Prime!