Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
February 26, 2007
Category: SC Updates … Serious

I was thinking I'd syndicate tonight's serious post to the Scary-Crayon blog here, but instead I will just link to it and Dusty Plastic HELL: Hot Flash #96, the subject of which is discussed at length in that entry. Suffice it to say that I have not been very happy as of late (which is mostly nothing new, but still), with this weekend being particularly depressing. I feel sick to my soul.

I will go to sleep now.

-posted by Wes | 4:55 am | Comments (0)
September 14, 2006
Category: Serious

So I got a letter in the mail today from my bank, which, at this time, is unable to approve my request for a credit card. I like that: "Unfortunately, at this time, we are unable to approve your request." As if it's out of their hands and they really would like to, but Hurricane Katrina wrecked their facilities and they're still rebuilding and those gosh-darned red kerchief-wearing bandits with their polished six-shooters keep emptying their vaults and they just don't have any credit to give to people who aren't super rich even though those people have had accounts with their bank since fucking 1999.

Oh, and apparently I'm supposed to be paying quarterly taxes, so I have to send a hefty check to the government tomorrow because I've neglected to pay for the first two quarters. I fucking hate my bank and finances and this country and the fact that I need to build credit to do anything yet can't build credit because my own fucking bank won't even give me a card and my head is throbbing and I feel very, very ill but not so ill that I wouldn't slam my fist down hard on that glowing red button and blow this fucking planet into microscopic smithereens. I'm highly upset right now.

-posted by Wes | 5:02 pm | Comments (6)
August 31, 2006
Halt! Identify yourself!
Category: SC Updates … Serious

The second part of the Dalek piece is finally up. Make your own!

In other news, on my way back from the supermarket the other day, I was stopped by a policeman in the neighborhood. The policeman was very civil and friendly, but it was still fairly insulting to be halted and asked to present my ID just several doors away from my home on the street on which I have lived since 1988. (Not that I'll necessarily be here much longer, but still.)

I can appreciate the police's apparent efforts to investigate the so-called rash of robberies in the neighborhood, but this isn't a gated community and -- as far as I know -- it's not illegal for anyone to stroll into the community and walk the sidewalks as one pleases. And I'm always cooperative with police officers, but I kinda wished it had occurred to me to deny having had my ID on me just to see what would have happened. After all, if I had been taking a walk around the neighborhood, I wouldn't necessarily have carried it with me. Would I have been taken down to the station for questioning? Would I have been asked to leave until I could furnish proof of my residency? Or would the officer have taken me door to door, asking residents if they knew me? When one is regarded as a potential robbery suspect just feet from what has been one's front door for almost as long as one can remember, one wants to know the answers to these questions.

If there had been other people outside, I would have been interested in seeing if the officer asked them to present their IDs as well.

-posted by Wes | 1:46 am | Comments (10)
August 22, 2006
not for me
Category: Serious

I do not want a job that requires me to lie so goddamned much -- or excel at "diplomacy," as the euphemism goes -- that I am no longer even aware that I am doing it. Lying, that is. I am so unhappy right now.

-posted by Wes | 5:30 am | Comments (2)
August 18, 2006
some small relief
Category: Books … SC Updates … Serious

Again, not to go into too many details, but apparently some of the things that were supposed to happen to force me out on the street can't happen -- at least not so soon; there would be lots of legal issues, etc., and that would take time -- so I'm not likely to be stranded in the very near future. I'm not at all happy with the situation, but (at least regarding my housing prospects) it doesn't look quite as bad as I'd been led to believe. It still sucks though.


I was still terribly worried yesterday, though so I spent a few hours bagging a whole bunch of my action figures. It was oretty depressing, but not quite as bad as I'd imagined it to be. I won't feel too bad about selling or donating many of them for various reasons -- for example, whereas I couldn't bring myself to get rid of Tokka (even though I bagged him; I'm bagging them all for inventory purposes), I might not feel too bad about selling Sewer Samurai Leonardo or Undercover Donatello because my memories regarding Leo and Don are more attached to them as a characters as opposed to any specific representations of them. This isn't to say that I'd be willing to part with all of my various versions of the four Turtles, mind you -- you'd be hard pressed to separate me from Storage Shell Michaelangelo or Headdroppin' Raphael, to say nothing of the versions I went out of my way to acquire in later years (can you say Super Turtles?) -- but it is kind of interesting and will make for good discussion when I get around to writing about the figures. I also have virtually no emotional attachment to my carded figures -- after all, I never got to open them or play with them -- so insofar as I never planned to open them anyway (and with very few exceptions, I didn't), selling them won't be terribly disheartening either. Assuming that I sell my comics, the same rules apply, since (with the exception of comics I bought during the last three years, which I mostly haven't touched) I probably wasn't going to read the print versions again anyway. I'm way too worried about them being damaged by oils on my hands to ever remove them from their plastic sleeves.

You know, this is why I prefer to buy comics and books used -- if I get them new, I'm generally so worried about damaging them that it's fairly hard to enjoy the books! When you get one with a worn spine right off the shelf, it's pretty easy to crack it open and relax. And speaking of books, I started posting that 50K-word novel of mine from November 2004 (see the sidebar) on Scary-Crayon. It's incredibly insane. I'll be posting more of my old fiction on the site in the near future, so stay tuned.

And that's all for tonight. Thanks for your concern, everyone -- I hope things turn out relatively well when all of this is over.

-posted by Wes | 1:27 am | Comments (3)