It's finally up -- the Scary-Crayon review of The Madballs History of the World. I love those balls more than you know. 🙂
And I took the second defective Dawn of the Dead dvd back today to exchange it for another, but this time I thought to ask if I could test it out in the store first. Well, we went through three more defective copies before the employee got really annoyed with me and pretty much told me to either accept store credit or take a defective dvd. Obviously I chose the former, but I wasn't too happy with that either -- fooling with stupid Dawn has wasted way too much of my time. I submitted a complaint/explanation via a form on the Anchor Bay website, so we'll see what happens with that. I'm upset. And you know what? I blame Dawn, since her name's in the title. Just kidding, Dawn. ;P
I did find $10 while walking back to Best Buy, though, so it wasn't a total bust. I think I deserve it.