Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
November 25, 2004
Happy Turkey Day!!!
Category: SC Updates

And on this Thanksgiving, Scary-Crayon has a new episode of Dusty Plastic HELL for you! Among other things, you can be thankful you're not me. I don't have that luxury. :/

And wow, Bloody Mary, you rule! Not as the virgin mother of Jesus who repays children who mock you by saying your name in the mirror three times (or five times, depending upon the established rules), but as a drink. By the way, why would the virgin mother of our supposed Lord and Savior become a child-murdering vengeful ghost in folklore? That's weird. Or is it Mary Magdalene who is the Bloody Mary, exacting vengeance upon humanity for necessitating the death and sacrifice of her beloved Jesus? It all makes no sense, but perhaps the concept could be examined further in a SC feature. I'd enjoy that, I think. (more...)

-posted by Wes | 6:32 pm | Comments (0)
November 20, 2004
Scary-Crayon updated!
Category: SC Updates

Dusty Plastic HELL: Hot Flash #9. Enjoy.

-posted by Wes | 7:54 am | Comments (0)
November 15, 2004
Scary-Crayon updated!
Category: SC Updates

Back to the bookstore for Dusty Plastic HELL: Hot Flash #8. SC is becoming a (poorly drawn) webcomic. I miss having time to write actual articles. 🙁

Nobody guessed yesterday! 🙁

-posted by Wes | 1:15 am | Comments (0)
November 11, 2004
Scary-Crayon updated!
Category: SC Updates

It's Dusty Plastic HELL: Hot Flash #7, baby! Join Wes back at the bookstore for a brief rant about a recent release.

I can't take much more of this.

-posted by Wes | 9:26 pm | Comments (0)
November 9, 2004
Scary-Crayon updated!
Category: SC Updates

Click here to check it out. Don't go getting too excited, though -- I'm thinking many of you have already seen it. Eh, Skeletoncrew? 😉

SC exceeded its allotted bandwidth for the billing period, too. It does that a lot these days.

-posted by Wes | 1:00 am | Comments (0)