Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
April 7, 2008
King Kong vs Bacardi
Category: Photo … Toys

An epic battle worthy of Toho!


-posted by Wes | 1:31 pm | Comments (8)
April 4, 2008
No Overseas Job for Old Wes
Category: Dreams

So yeah, I didn't get that teaching job in Japan. It's not entirely unexpected given how horribly the interview went, but I'm still pretty disappointed about it. Ah well -- I'll mope about it for the next few days and then come up with some new ideas. It's lame consolation, but at least now I'll be around when DCUC Wave 3 is released. Grundy will crush.

And hey, "Doctor Who" Series 4 starts tomorrow, so I can't be too sad. 😐

That said, I was upset enough to hop back into bed after getting the rejection e-mail and drift off into unconsciousness for a few more hours... whereupon I dreamed I was at a strange gathering with a bunch of random people. In the end it degenerated into a brawl of sorts -- I ultimately woke up during Bill Richardson's attempt to talk me out of beating the hell out of Chris Crocker for intentionally spilling punch on my shirt. Blame the CNN political ticker and this week's "South Park" episode for that last part.

-posted by Wes | 3:42 pm | Comments (3)
April 1, 2008
Category: SC Updates … Toys

It is the first of April! Head on over to Scary-Crayon (or visit this page if you visit after April 1) to check out our little goof. As you can see, he's back! 😀

In other news, here are some photos from my ever-expanding DC Comics action figure collection. Some of us have t-shirts, I have toys. 😉

Justice League Unlimited!

Welcome to Gotham.

The Secret Injustice Brotherhood of Doom

I'm still lovin' Grodd, but I so need a proper Brainiac figure. 😐

-posted by Wes | 12:12 pm | Comments (7)