Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
September 5, 2005
Someplace where... Eriko Sato... an opening line.
Category: Fiction?

There's still more to be said about my latest exploits in NYC, but I'm still not quite up to discussing the particulars -- so for the time being I'm simply going to paste from an e-mail I wrote that gets the message across (though it's fairly similar to what I wrote in the previous entry):

So right now I'm trying to hash out my options and my next move -- I want to be somewhere where I could be happy, or something resembling it. I'm not happy here, but also I don't think I could be in a place where everyone talks fast to try to confuse you so they can swindle you out of your money or your place in line or whatever. I want to be someplace where people don't scowl at you when you smile and say, "Hello," as you pass -- someplace where people are moving slowly enough that you can actually pause to do that without being bowled over by the person sprinting along the sidewalk at your back. Someplace where the politicians don't strike me as obviously being gangsters. (But maybe that's just their accents.) Someplace where the concept of "speed dating" seems as ludicrous to everyone else as it does to me. I held the door open at Port Authority for the person behind me and was stuck standing there while fourteen people pushed through without a second glance in my direction.

The Warrior of Love, Cutey Honey!

I did finally get my hands on a copy of the Cutie Honey live action film -- the 2-disc Collector's Edition, no less! -- so the trip wasn't a total drag. Eriko Sato is bloody hot, dontchaknow. (more...)

-posted by Wes | 6:05 am | Comments (1)
September 3, 2005
So I'm back...
Category: Miscellany

And kind of glad to be so, actually -- 'cause despite a few pleasant encounters, I can't say that this was a fun trip overall. Maybe I missed some things on my previous trips to NYC because they were more/less recreational visits, but this first "business" trip has prompted me to kinda stop and seriously reconsider my plan to move to the big city. Almost everything struck me as being fast, brutal, competitive, even cruel -- all things that I am not -- and I don't know if I could be happy in a place like that. Granted, I'm not happy here, but being here doesn't scare me -- whereas I think I was more terrified at points during these past two days than I've ever been in my entire life. Maybe it was just me psyching myself out? I don't know.

Anyway, I'll probably follow through with some of the things currently in motion, and if nothing pans out I think it would be good for me to step back and think really hard about where I want to be and what I want out of that place. Maybe take a couple of months to travel around to different cities and see what they have to offer. I definitely like metropolitan areas, but I think somewhere a little more laid-back might be more my speed... we'll see.

Right now, however, I think I need to sleep. I'll write more about the specifics of the trip later. TTFN.

-posted by Wes | 4:28 am | Comments (4)