Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
February 9, 2005
Dawn's Summer
Category: Serious

Quick post. The New York Observer profile of one Dawn Eden graced the front page of that publication today. (I've only seen the online version, which is rather devoid of photos, but if anyone cares to send me the shots used in the print version I'd be interested in seeing them!) From my limited experience with Dawn, it's a really good portrait of her, though perhaps a little too fawning for my taste in these kinds of things -- but then, I tend to prefer a more balanced commentary, even if in the end one's assessment leans more to one direction than the other. (more...)

-posted by Wes | 2:10 pm | Comments (0)
February 8, 2005
The NYC recap!
Category: Travels

Hey all! Just a quick post to let the lot o' ye know I'm doing alright. I'm currently on the second leg of my Northern tour, having left New York City early Monday morning and writing to you LIVE from Boston, Mass. New York was pretty sweet! In addition to catching up with an old college pal and learning the depressing fates of a number of my classmates (depressing for me, that is, since just about everyone seems to be doing so well and making so much of him/herself), I snagged a ton of films in NYC's Chinatown -- The Twins Effect, Protégé de la Rose Noire, Lavender, The Eye, Midnight Fly, Golden Chicken 2, Sakuya: The Slayer of Demons, Tomie: Forbidden Fruit, and one other film I can't find an IMDb listing for. Not to mention that two thirds of these are DVDs -- as opposed to VCDs -- so that's like a milligram of Viagra for my DVD penis. What a haul! (more...)

-posted by Wes | 10:26 pm | Comments (0)
February 2, 2005
Scary-Crayon updated!
Category: SC Updates

Yep. Three new pieces: A Crayon Haiku #22 and Dusty Plastic HELL: Hot Flashes #18 and #19. And that'll be all for a while! I'm out of town starting tomorrow. Perhaps I'll post in the blog while I'm gone. Perhaps not. Anyway, see y'all later! Wish me safe passage and all that rot.

-posted by Wes | 3:13 pm | Comments (0)