Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
November 3, 2004
Category: Miscellany

So while I took a moment last night to figure out how to work the self-timer on my digital camera (see the previous post), I didn't get any work done on the novel because I really got into the election results. I fell asleep watching them.

Hey Caren -- I don't know exactly where you got the impression that there was going to be a Kerry l*ndsl*de, but fire your source. I'm not at all happy with it, but I'm projecting a Bush win. The tragically hip Dawn Eden should be pleased.

I'll be back later with a lengthier blog entry, but while I'm sure some of the political issues will surface in that next one, I'm not going to do a politics-specific entry. Instead, I plan to answer Val's three questions from the other day.

And now I'm going to work on that novel. I'm working the bookstore tonight, so hopefully I'll break 6K words before I leave here today.

Ja ne.

-posted by Wes | 9:44 am | Comments (0)
November 2, 2004
WES moshes.
Category: Miscellany

WES moshes.

-posted by Wes | 8:42 pm | Comments (0)
NaNoWriMo, Day 2.
Category: Miscellany

Word count: 4,040

And I'm not working at the bookstore tonight, so hopefully I'll churn out 2,000 more words or so this evening. I'm pretty confident about successfully completing the work at this point, even if it will be a very, very weird and lengthy mess. Tonight's goal: 6,000+ words.

Greg is making excellent progress with his novel. And if the excerpt he's posted is any indication, his actually makes sense! Mine doesn't. But that's why it's called (working title) The Absolute Strangest Christmas Story Ever Told. Oh, and it will be. Even stranger than that new book out by Christopher Moore.

In other news, Caren is predicting a K*rry l*ndsl*de. We can only hope.

Anyway, I'll be back again tonight with an update on the status of the novel. And maybe a photo, too! Ja.

-posted by Wes | 3:43 pm | Comments (0)
Deep respect of life my...
Category: Miscellany

In a recent post, Dawn Eden writes, "A man who forsakes moral principles to satisfy interest groups cannot be trusted to run the country. George W. Bush, by contrast, is his own man -? with a deep respect of life at every stage." Except, of course, the convicted criminal stage, at which point the President's respect for life can be accurately summed up as follows: "Faster, pussycat; kill, KILL!"

Had to get another dig in before the morning vote. 😉 And thanks to Tamara for reminding me of that point -- just another reason my vote won't be going to the incumbent candidate.

-posted by Wes | 1:34 am | Comments (0)
November 1, 2004
NaNoWriMo, Day 1.
Category: Miscellany

Word count: 2,315

Off to a good start.

-posted by Wes | 3:33 pm | Comments (0)