Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
November 9, 2004
Scary-Crayon updated!
Category: SC Updates

Click here to check it out. Don't go getting too excited, though -- I'm thinking many of you have already seen it. Eh, Skeletoncrew? 😉

SC exceeded its allotted bandwidth for the billing period, too. It does that a lot these days.

-posted by Wes | 1:00 am | Comments (0)
November 8, 2004
NaNoWriMo, Day 8.
Category: Miscellany

Word count: 13,015

Slightly behind schedule, but eh. Can't close the gap tonight (bookstore 'till 11:30 PM, sigh), but maybe I'll make more progress tomorrow. We'll see.

Why did I ever sign on to do this?!?!?!?

-posted by Wes | 3:31 pm | Comments (0)
November 7, 2004
Excerpted from Wes's NaNoWriMo project!
Category: Miscellany

And now, what you've all been waiting for -- that excerpt from my NaNoWriMo project! I came really close to just calling it quits on this this weekend. I mean, it sounds kinda silly -- why bother writing something one knows is crap, just so one can say, "HeY, I wRoTe A fItTy-gEe WoRd NoVeL iN oNe MoNtH, yO!!!!" STUPID! Especially when I could be sitting down, actually taking my time, and trying to write something good. I've also noticed that it's much more difficult for me to write here (that is, in my room), as opposed to at work. This is like my master workshop, so it's really difficult for me (I guess) to write crap while at my esteemed machine. But at work I'm just passing time (and am usually suffering from quite the lack of sleep), so it's hardly as frustrating and dissapointing an endeavor. Sigh. (more...)

-posted by Wes | 9:56 pm | Comments (0)
November 5, 2004
Val's three questions: the Wes answers.
Category: Miscellany

Okay, so it's time for my answers to Val's three questions. It's just like the Friday Five, except minus two! Here goes... (more...)

-posted by Wes | 3:48 pm | Comments (0)
Which fucked-up genius composer are you?
Category: Meme

you are Nick Cave!

Nick Cave... dark and creepy. You're a bi-polar
genius, with equal passion for the most
degrading aspects of humanity, as well as the
beauty & wonder of God and Heaven.

Which fucked-up genius composer are you?

brought to you by Quizilla

Is anyone surprised? (Quiz courtesy of Sarah.)

No work done on the novel today at work, but since I'm not working the bookstore tonight and don't have to be up at 5 AM tomorrow (don't have to be at the bookstore until 4 PM), I'm optimistic about finding time to work on it tonight (hopefully I'll break 10,500 words) AND maybe relax, watch a movie, and have a drink AND get a good and restful night of sleep.

Got some more time before I leave work -- not enough to really get into the novel, but enough (I think) to get Val's questions answered in full. So look for that in a bit. Ja ne!

-posted by Wes | 3:00 pm | Comments (0)