Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
March 8, 2004
What the heck??? :o
Category: Miscellany

Light-hearted post tonight. I still want to throw out those more substantial comments regarding Judaism, and give a few brief responses to Dawn's points regarding the consequences of replacement theology (which can accurately be summed up by saying "not necessarily" a bunch of times ;)), but I'm in no mood to do that tonight. And since all I ate today was junk -- frozen onion rings and breaded okra (microwaved, because I was too lazy to fry them or wait for the toaster oven), Little Debbie Nutty Bars and Star Crunches, Tastykake Kandy Kakes and Butterscotch Krimpets, and sweet potato chips (can ya tell I'm not in a good mood?) -- I figured we'd go for another junk-food type post. Should keep from upsetting me further, anyway. (more...)

-posted by Wes | 5:28 am | Comments (0)
March 7, 2004
Wes's Deal Breakers! (And a lot of indignation...)
Category: Serious

Well, given the recent cavalcade of substantial posts (why can't I be this prolific with my fiction writing?), I'm going to try and write a relatively light-hearted entry tonight. While I'm trying to stay out of the replacement theology debate that's going on over at Dawn's (and though my understanding of the issue is limited, it seems to me that replacement theology not only seems like a logical step to make, but also has a few Biblical verses sort of going for it), I did want to respond to a few points in her latest post. But I may just do that by e-mail. Speaking of e-mail, Mac made a few points in our ongoing dialogue with respect to my last post -- I'll have to get clearance first to post them here, but they're worth adding to the record. And I also wanted to say a few more words on the matter (in conjunction with my commentary on Dawn's points), but those can wait for now. (more...)

-posted by Wes | 8:51 am | Comments (0)
March 6, 2004
Silly Rabbit...
Category: Serious

Given the recent blog hubbub concerning Jews (see the links in my last entry), I thought I'd write a bit about Judaism itself. Let me preface it by saying that my understanding of Judaism is admittedly limited and that I mean no offense to practicing Jews or anyone else who might take offense to what is written here -- and that if you have something to say about the matter, barring careless accusations of Nazi-rific anti-Semitism on my part (yes, I've gotten those before), please e-mail me your comments. Thanks! (more...)

-posted by Wes | 1:35 am | Comments (0)
March 5, 2004
Scary-Crayon updated! And a word about cops.
Category: SC Updates … Serious

New Scary-Crayon article: A McDonald's Cup Review. Not a fancy plastic promo cup either -- just your regular run-of-the-mill wax paper cup you get with any ol' McDonald's beverage purchase. Enjoy!

New blog link added: Mac Swift's Vessel of Honour. And both Mac and Dawn offer up posts about Jewishness -- Dawn, in "Who's a Jew?", discusses what it means to be a Jew (with reference to the latter part of my recent post "Feelin' Fine"), and Mac in "Love that Jew!" So if you're interested, give those a read. I still think that Joey -- who only began playing up his supposed "Jewishness" in the last year or so, from what I've seen anyway -- is full of crap, but in all honesty I thought that anyway. This is a guy who took a train to Canada back in 1999 to pick up a prostitute (since he wants to be a politician and therefore didn't want to break any American laws -- how Clintonesque) so that he could say he "fucked in two millennia" and this past Christmas loudly sang, "Ann Coulter is a racist bitch!" upon sighting the woman in the flesh on Christmas Day, for crying out loud. Why is it that I'm acquainted with so many awful people? I dunno. (more...)

-posted by Wes | 7:36 am | Comments (0)
March 4, 2004
Links and Blood Enemies.
Category: Serious

Couple of new links added. I changed the Tamara and Allie link from "T and A" (which is apparently their "official" blog name) to the longer version because I didn't like the way the short link looked on the sidebar. Hope nobody minds. I also added Retroactive Continuity and ireneQ to the list. Woo. (more...)

-posted by Wes | 5:58 am | Comments (0)