Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
February 13, 2004
A poem for Valentine's Day!
Category: Miscellany

Okay, I promised a poem for Valentine's Day, so here we go -- I wrote this one in 2001 or so, I think, though I occasionally return to it and modify it slightly. "Railroad Spike" is based, in part, on the events of a flashback in the Buffy episode "Fool for Love", which aired during the fifth season, and it takes its title from the quote of one of the persons who, upon hearing Spike's poetry (before Spike became a vampire), remarked, "I'd rather have a railroad spike through my head than listen to that awful stuff!" (After being made a vampire, we can imagine that Spike did just that, for William, as he was known in life, earned the nickname "Spike" by torturing his victims with railroad spikes.) (more...)

-posted by Wes | 10:41 pm | Comments (0)
February 12, 2004
Category: Miscellany

Okay, just a brief one. Things have been going pretty slowly on SC -- only 47 unique visits yesterday, a couple of which were probably me 🙁 -- so be sure to visit and give the content over there a look. (You can click here, or simply use the link at the top of the side menu.) I'm thinking the April piece will go up on Saturday evening, if not sooner. Sunday at the latest. (more...)

-posted by Wes | 11:35 pm | Comments (0)
February 11, 2004
Not a good sign
Category: Serious

Yay, Dawn's mentioned/linked us again. 🙂 Unfortunately for those of you who've followed that link over, I don't have much in the way of new substantial content for you at the moment; I've promised myself that I won't write any more significant posts until I finish writing the short story that I'm currently working on. (But if you want to check out a recent substantial piece, try "For Hannah" and let me know what you think. Dawn enjoyed it, but it's also moved one person to discontinue speaking to me, and I haven't heard from Hannah since I posted it -- not a good sign. In any case, it's definitely getting mixed reviews...) (more...)

-posted by Wes | 9:11 am | Comments (0)
February 10, 2004
Scary-Crayon updated!
Category: SC Updates

Yep, new article: THE SANDWICH SO WEIRD it frightens McGriddles. Pretend I uploaded it about an hour and a half in the future, ok?

I promised no more serious posts until I finished writing that story, and I meant it! I still haven't written any more. 🙁 I did read almost to the end of Candide, though. Hoping to work on the story tonight or tomorrow; we'll see.

Expect the reworked April piece on Friday or Saturday. Ja!

-posted by Wes | 10:50 pm | Comments (0)
February 9, 2004
100% true stupid.
Category: Miscellany

Somehow I ended up staying up all night and doing absolutely nothing. But I did turn on part of Maury...anyone wanna guess what it was about? 😛 Today they put a twist on it, though -- there was one woman who literally had to have 20+ men tested to find her "baby daddy". And you know what? I'm pretty sure they didn't find him.

Yep, go ahead and say it with me. "Bloody hell." (more...)

-posted by Wes | 1:30 pm | Comments (0)